There was one day all the squad was together and a camping trip was announced.
Not a thought passed through and suddenly it was the day before and two of Gap D’s teams were packing for a night in the mountains. No plans or expectations.
All I knew was to be ready at 10 am and that me&Layna Jean would be sharing a tent.
I vividly remember rolling through the gates of a patch of land off in the mountains. We saw a shed, a garden, and Edgar.
We met Edgar at the beginning of our time in Costa Rica. He is a close partner with the AIM base here and gave us our cultural teaching during week 1. In this environment however, he looked much different. Flannel and jeans with a floppy hat arched over his face. We were in for an adventure.
We sat down at some picnic tables to eat our packed lunch and suddenly we were being summoned for a garden tour. We walked through rows of flowers and vegetables and made our way into the greenhouse. A simple joy that lit up so many eyes and hearts. What we weren’t expecting though, were the moments to follow.
Next thing you know we are organizing, shoveling/sifting dirt, hanging up lights, etc. We were put to work! It’s funny because after a few hours we cleaned up and sat in perplexity of how we had gotten here (not even knowing what the next day had to offer).
The two teams ate dinner out of the garden, prepared by an amazing cook, and enjoyed coffee and tea. The night fellt into a dance of fellowship, campfire, smores (smurfs!), and story telling. I rolled up in my sleeping bag that night next to LJ feeling so full and satisfied. What a life I get to live!
That night was COLD and in complete opposition to the sun burn I had developed. Woke up around 4:30 AM ready for some more layers of clothing.
Morning time came, me and Layna peed in the woods, and we sat in ‘together-alone time’ with the Lord. We bundled up in our clothes but were oddly content with our surroundings. I think it could have been colder and I still would have felt this overwhelming peace all the more!
More coffee led to painting at the tables and some classic Costa Rican breakfast – gallo pinto and huevos (eggs!). Let’s not forget the pesto bread too, because I ate way to much of it :).
And then came the work day that busted our butts! We broke off into small teams and got to it. I got to work in the greenhouse replenishing dirt in garden beds, and also swept A LOT! Later I was cleaning out bins and helping organize the shed. The coolest part was the constant reminder that our FOOD had come from the exact place we were working. Shoveling dirt into the cabbage, cilantro, tomatoes, and more! All things we had been eating the previous night.
Suddenly our meals AND work was more fulfilling than before. Not only seeing, but feeling, the connection of the two was so cool! Lunch was soup and rice, and then we had the evening off. Packed up our tents and bags and found some adventure in the woods across the street.
Alfredo was back at the garden before no time and we headed home.
If i could describe the weekend with any words it would be these: Unexplainable Freedom.
I really believe I’ve been here in my dreams before. I walked around barefoot and felt deeply-rooted joy. I saw the girls around me light up for the first time in a while.
It all felt real and raw. A natural beauty you don’t find many places.
The Lord really is insane when it comes to knitting all moments together. What we thought would be one night in a jungle turned into a mountain top, back to the garden, restorative moment for so many.
“And God said, ‘Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.’ And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1:11&12