howdy !! 

happy sabbath !

learning a lot about rest in this current season of life and wanted to share a few things:

i think for most people, you hear the word “sabbath” and think one of two things — one: what the HECK is that !?! two: isn’t that some legalistic rule from the old testament? 

i’ve definitely had both these thoughts before but WOW the Lord has really opened my heart to the importance, purpose, and heart of rest with the Father. 

first of all, it’s not this one day a week, stop everything in your life kinda thing. sabbath can be any amount of time, any day, and any place ! and you can do ANY THING ! it’s really just about spending time with your father, and hanging out with a friend ! 

one thing i’ve found to be so true is that you can do just about anything, and be with jesus. you can clean your stinky tent, lay in an eno, paint and journal, play the guitar, or just sit in silence. it’s simply intentional time where you focus on the Lord. 

one of our team leaders, ellie miller, talked all about sabbath at squad church (!!) this past sunday and she made such a COOL point ! when jesus came and lived among men, he fulfilled the gospel AND the law ! after thousands of years, jesus was the first to be perfect under the law, with no mistake. he made it possible for us to approach the throne, receive salvation, and literally be washed clean — and while the law is still valid, applicable, and wise, we are no longer chained to it. a sabbath day was a part of the law in this time and many people were required to prepare a day before, stop work on a sunday, and spend the day only focused on honoring the Lord (which is actually super cool). BUT ! they fell into a place of religion and legalism very quickly (especially the pharisees)!

in luke 13 you see the pharisees ridicule jesus for performing a miracle on the sabbath, a day where he was only meant to rest. they told the people to come for healing or encouragement ANY other day that wasn’t sunday – but jesus was NOT gonna be boxed in !! he calls them out, and shows us that sabbath is not about law anymore, but just spending any amount of time with Him, and giving him room to speak and move. sabbath is something the Lord offers to us, and something we get to choose. 

i LOVE that jesus does this for us. he reaches out a hand and has SO much to offer us, and as his children we get to accept and receive that (if we want to!!!). 

after 2 whole weeks (WOAH!!) on the race i’ve already experienced so much time in sabbath and i’m learning each day what t looks like to press into that. it’s looked different every time ! sat with some team mates and talked for hours, worshipped with my people, read, wrote this blog, currently learning to play guitar, and sometimes sitting alone with nothing in mind and a free schedule. 

it’s also so easy to neglect or avoid this time. i know for me, silence kinda scared me, and i tried to fill my space with sound and people. but sometimes the Lord wants to find us in the solitude. that might be where He wants to whisper truth and promise over your life. 

go and sabbath ! love yall ! 

ps: gonna try to update yall as often as possible so hopefully you will hear from me SOON ! subscribe to the blog !!!!!