Not every conversation has to be about Jesus… to be about Jesus.

My team was walking through the usual park for some evangelism and prayer, weaving our way through police officers and fenced in spaces. A little hesitant, we weren’t sure who to talk to, or even when. 

After a whole loop through the area me and Jamie made eye contact when we realized we had both glanced at a man sitting on a bench. He had a mask in hand and was simply looking out at the trees and people. 

With nothing to lose we strolled on over and waved hello. Louis translated our short-lived conversation, where the man spoke quickly about his diverse and ‘hippy’ family roots. Even as he spoke in a language we struggled to pick up, there was a joy radiating from his face that told a whole story.

He was reaching the age of 63 and by this season of life some of his siblings had begun to pass and the family was scattered. But even amidst this, his heart was worn on his sleeve. 

The funny thing was that we never even mentioned the name of Jesus. He asked if we were Chrisitans in the beginning of our conversation but that was about it. It really goes to show that  the gospel is more than words. 

Not only did we get to be the good news here in person for this man, but I saw Jesus shining through his face. None of us knew if he even BELIEVED in Jesus and yet I saw something. 

The gospel is flowing in and through each of us. Heaven kissing earth. His kingdom come. A promise fulfilled. 

So every conversation doesn’t have to be a fancy gospel presentation. A simple hello and seat at a bench can reveal glory after glory after glory. 

Let’s carry glory everywhere we go, inviting His presence onto the park bench and into the conversation.