Ever have those days where you crave deeper connection? Deeper conversation and some type of feeling aside from your everyday life?
I was feeling it, but Morgan was the one who fully expressed it: “I just wanna feel something today! Something out of the ordinary!”
We laughed and joked, but we were all on the same page with how we wanted this day off to go. I had been going person to person asking about plans – the usual coffee shop and rest we see most weekends.
And so, as anyone would do, we hopped in an Uber with a man who knew very little English and drove almost 2 hours to a waterfall.
With no real plans and a desire for adventure, we piled in and started diving into conversation. Whether it was post-race plans or what the Lord was teaching us, the laughs never stopped and the curiosity overflowed from each of these girls.
I vividly remember the feeling of driving through the tiny villages and towns and when the clouds grew thicker, but the views more beautiful. And soon we were on top of a mountain, vast green hills rolling over pastures and people.
Thank the Lord our Uber driver was willing to come pick us back up in a few hours, because I honestly don’t know how else we would have gotten home (sorry, mom). Either way, the adventure continued with walking down a gravel road in the middle of nowhere, with a sign pointing one direction for ‘cataratas’.
Long story short we found our way to a house and a trail, and later hiked DOWNhill to one of the most beautiful sights. Not to mention the herds of cows we had to maneuver past to get there, but it was worth the walk and funny stories.
Being at the bottom of the waterfall was quite literally breath-taking. I’ll never forget turning around to Emma pointing, with a grin on her face, and her comment, “GOD MADE THAT!”. This once in a lifetime view was hand-crafted and formed by God himself! He is such an artist.
And even more than that, we see these views and structures, and God sees us as His most beautiful creation. I’m blown away by His love time and time again.
For a few hours we simply marveled at the sight, ate lunch on a rock, and eventually hiked back up. As if the day couldn’t get any better, we were met some by random animals and people and views. And all of a sudden we were walking through a village, almost skipping from our excitement.
As we all like to say now: “Best. Day. Ever.”
It’s funny how God can change the trajectory of a whole day with one simple decision. He does it with each of us, whether it’s accepting Christ to change your whole life, or hopping in a car with an open heart.
Thanks God for endless adventure and making your people even more beautiful than Costa Rican waterfalls (even though I sure do love them).
Let’s ask the Lord together if we truly believe and see how crazy amazing the creation of people is in the Lord’s eyes!
Love you people!
Big thanks to Anjali for capturing some of these beautiful shots!