
“and now we look forward. 

the new year hasn’t felt this NEW for me before. 

I feel excitement and holy anticipation. 


here are some words I’m hearing for the year:

missions. story. creation. open eyes&open arms. welcoming. adventure. excitement. growth. change. unexpected joy&blessing. 

and now Lord, show me what you have in story for 2021. what are you speaking over this year even now?:


constant communion. 

holy communion. 

sweet communion.



A few weeks ago my squad joined a zoom and we talked about a few verses in the book of James. we were met with this concept of humility and we discussed how we can walk that out in our day to day lives. 

Since then I’ve really dived into the idea that humility in Christ comes with closeness to Christ. And as I sat asking the Lord what He wanted to speak over 2021, this closeness came to mind. 

At first I couldn’t find the word :: close… united… together… without distraction… :: I kept sifting through all the options and nothing stuck. Of course I just pulled out my computer and started searching, thinking something would stick out. and Google gave me this:

a close friendship: communion

And it clicked. 

A deep need and want to be close with God, never wavering from His side. Sitting at the throne in humility and letting the blessing flow in and through me. 

So this year I want to discover communion. What it’s like to have no space between. No distraction. 

I find it so cool how the God of all creation wants oneness and unity with ME! And He wants that with you too. 

What is the Father speaking over your life today? 


Cheers to 2021! Grateful to have you on the journey!