Sometimes leaving things behind for a year can be hard. Especially when it’s all of your favorite puppers, doggos, woofers, and floofers.
God totally redeemed this situation by introducing me to countless new furry friends to treat my obsession throughout the year. Check out some of favorites!
Indonesia:Our host’s dog, Moon (or Moonlight), from Bali. She brought smiles to us everyday and a mini heart attack every time she would run out into the road directly in front of oncoming traffic.
One of my favorite dog photos of the whole year. We found this guy looking like a hockey player with the missing front teeth near a beautiful black sand beach.
The Philippines:Savage. The sweetest, inappropriately-named guard dog ever.
We found this cute little guy in a neighborhood in Antipolo that we were in starting up a feeding program alongside a local pastor and his church. He was chewing on a coconut husk and had a hose collar.
Thailand:Mirrored aviators to block out the haters and a neck pillow. Livin large.
We walked past a storefront in Chiang Mai and this is what we saw.
Cambodia:One of the most regal dog photos I’ve ever seen/taken. This lady followed us all around Angkor Wat and was perched just so in the morning light.
Vietnam:Koda, our host’s dog who was about as big as me, joined us on a beach camping trip in Da Nang.
Bosnia & Herzegovina:We walked by a grocery store, looked up, and there it was…a dog on a roof.
Zeke, my stray friend from Mostar. Everyday as we walked the cobblestone streets, he would somehow find us.
Kosovo:Another stray that seemed to always pop up. This one would lay in the middle of our downtown evangelism events.
Me offering bread to a stray on the steps of one of “the world’s ugliest buildings”, the Pristina Public Library. This one reminded me a lot of my first dog, Luke.
This woman came into the thrift shop that Alyssa was helping out in one day, carrying this dog and covered in muddy paw prints…probably shopping for replacement clothes.
Macedonia:A stray that we had the pleasure of playing with during a weekend trip to Macedonia.
Romania:Our host’s dog, Blackie. Our team loved her and took good care of her for the month.
Zambia:Tina, our neighbor’s dog, and the mother of her adorable puppy, Marshmallow.
Lesotho:This shaggy pup belonged to someone that we visited for our door-to-door evangelism outreach in the Malealea Valley.
I call this one, “Lewis, at dusk.” Lewis was one of our host’s dogs. He loved chasing and chewing on rocks more than any dog I’ve ever seen.
Another door-to-door evangelism pupper find. This little guy was napping in the sun next to the drying maize.
South Africa:Snickers, one of our host’s dogs. It took me about four tries before he would finally let me pick him up safely.
Tazzy, the restaurant owner’s dog who joined Alyssa and I on our date night right next to me on the booth!