Hello, my name is Grant and I am from Parker, Colorado. I am 18 years old and I recently decided to make the commitment towards going on the World Race Gap year. This trip starts in September 2019 and I will be spending 9 months in a total of 3 different countries. (3 months per country). I will be in Guatemala, Ethiopia, and Thailand. I am super excited to be going on this trip and to see what God has in store for me there. This will be a great experience for me to learn more about God and what it is like to be on the mission field as I ultimately want to be a full time missionary.

With all this in mind I will definitely need support in the next coming months both financially a spiritually as I raise money for this trip. The total cost is $16,600 and I am looking for support for that in any way possible. I look forward to what God has in store and hope you are able to consider supporting me.