“There is no such thing as a mission trip” – Gabe, staff member for adventures in missions Guatemala.
I have been on many so called mission trips before but this was new to me. What does that even mean? Allot of what I have learned so far from my almost 2 weeks in Guatemala is that being a missionary is not just something I can put in a box. God is so much bigger. Being a christian is not just a once a week thing. Neither is it a one week thing you do every summer. Being a christian is a lifestyle. I want to repeat that again. Being a Christian is a lifestyle.
I will use Melvin as my example. One day me and my friends Damon and Blake went out to buy groceries in Parramos. Along the way we had stopped in the city square to explore and look around. As we went out we stumbled across a man by the name of Melvin. We then went off to buy him food and play basketball with him that day.
You see we were not in Parramos in order to do mission work. We did it because that is what God had called us to do. We could have easily had the mindset that sense we were not technically out to do mission work that we did not have to go out of our way to help this guy, but we did and it ended being so freaking worth it. We got to make a relationship with this man and give him food for the day. We also had a ton of fun playing basketball.
I remember during this saying that “This is a real example of ministry is life and life is ministry”. Just to drill it into your head, there is no such thing as a mission trip, being a Christian is a lifestyle. When you begin to live this way you start to to realize that God’s plans are so much more worth it than your own plans. I probably would not have remembered that much about that experience had it not been for God’s plan.