I thought I was going to be pretty good at this whole blogging thing. But apparently it’s month 11 and I forgot to blog all year. My bad!! I am indeed alive though and I’ve seen and experienced so much this year. I could tell stories for days, but for now, I’ll just give you a list of some of the things I’ve been doing! 

I visited villages in Togo where people worshiped stumps and snakes and I got to be the first person to ever mention the name of Jesus to some of them

I stepped into a prison cell in Togo with no security, surrounded by hundreds of men and got to tell them that Jesus loved them and that they aren’t too far gone.

I prayed for a blind man in Cote d’Ivoire every single day and I watched him breakdance during church our last Sunday with him (don’t worry, I have it on video!)

I took bucket showers in Cote d’Ivoire with water our host fetched from a well

I sang “no longer slaves” to the chief of the village in Cote d’Ivoire and he thanked us by giving us two live chickens to eat for dinner

I danced on a porch for hours with people from all over the village in Cote d’Ivoire

I was thrown into a kid’s class at a church in Ghana and I acted out every bible story I could think of for 2 straight hour

I preached and told my testimony countless amount of times at churches in basically every country

I held the sweetest kids at an orphanage in Thailand

I sat and sang campfire songs with people from all over the world while drinking cold cider in Malaysia

I chopped down bamboo in the jungle in Indonesia to build a fence

I performed a 20-minute skit completely in Spanish in Argentina

I stayed out until 4 am two nights in a row in Argentina telling a backpacker about Jesus

I had an 18 year old girl in Bolivia sit me down to ask how she can feel loved by Jesus and I got the perfect opportunity to explain Grace and truth to her

I played with a blind 3 year old in Bolivia and watched him climb any and everything fearlessly as if he could see everything

I painted houses, murals, palettes, community centers YOU NAME IT. I’ve painted it all!

I sang “making melodies” to a bunch of teenage boys in a jail cell in Argentina

I worshipped alone under the stars by a river in Indonesia and heard God speak so clearly to me for the first time

I leveled the ground of a preschool with a shovel in the Philippines and looked like I jumped in a pool by the time I was done

I acted out bible stories, sang and danced in front of a countless amount of schools and churches

I danced in traffic with a sign telling people that Jesus loves them in Argentina

I got to help give massage therapy to kids with special needs in Bolivia

I smashed bottled at a recycling center in the Philippines while dodging spiders the size of my palm

I saw people living in boxes on the street in Peru, and I got to give them a warm meal and some toilet paper

I was a body-guard at a Halloween event in Peru (lol…No pass!!)

This is only a glimpse into what the last 11 months have looked like. I could go on forever telling story after story of all the things I’ve seen and experienced and all the adventures I’ve been on. Actually! If you want to hear stories and catch up let’s grab coffee! I’ll be back in the states in two weeks!! EEEPP!!

Thank you for all of your amazing support! I can’t wait to see you all so soon!