My whole life, I’ve been taught these three words: just show up. Sticking to commitments and showing up for the ones you love holds so much power, and can be a gateway to show others the true love of Christ.

Speaking of showing up for people, I wanted to take the time and dedicate this blog post to the people who have shown up for me over these past few months. The amount of love and support I have received in regards to my trip has surpassed all expectations. With that being said, I want to say THANK YOU!! To the ones who have prayed for me & encouraged me & donated oh so generously, thank you.

Living obediently to the Lord’s call isn’t easy, and showing up for people when they need it most is no easy task either, so thank you to the ones who have shown up for me and who continue to show up for me as I continue to prepare my heart for the 9 months ahead. 

All the love,
