A few weeks ago myself along with my O Squad family were sent an email letting us know that there were some changes! From the beginning I was praying it wouldn’t happen to us. But it did. Our deadlines were moved up. Our first goal of $3,500 is due September 26th! Whoa!

At first when one of my squad mates mentioned it through the whatsapp which has helped us keep in touch and get to know each other more before training camp. Totally different subject. lol. When they first mentioned it, I couldn’t help but get so so nervous. I became a little anxious and I thought ” How on earth am I going to do that?” Well, I began to pray and began worshiping God. That is all I could do. I began thinking of all the things I could do to raise money car washes, bake sales, letters, and so on. All those were amazing ideas and I wanted to fulfill those ideas. Then the unexpected happened…

That same week I became ill. Not just with a simple cold, I mean sent me to the ER and spent 3 days in the hospital kinda sick. I was told in the ER I had a pneumonia!!! YIKES! Not something you wanna have in the middle of fundraising. But, in all of this I worried not, but prayed! I spent most of my time in prayer.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the of God, which surpasses  all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” Phil. 4:6-7

I was reminded by this my squad family and by reading His word. I couldn’t find it in me to not trust Him, when he has been faithful all my life. 

I started feeling better, after day in and day out of antibiotics and round the clock IV fluids. But, the storm did not end there. As I was being released from the hospital my little brother was being admitted into ICU. He is currently in ICU, but is getting better. 

Through it all my heart will remain in worship and constantly seeking Him. 

“Fear not for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10