Isn’t it marvelous how God provides exactly what we need?

When asked a month ago what my plans were after High school, I would’ve responded by detailing my intentions to attend the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in the fall. It was the only College I had applied to, and the only place I thought I wanted to be for the next four years. But God knows my heart, and He gave me something greater to fulfill my needs, rather; than just what I wanted. He gave me this Gap Year.

Truthfully, In this circumstance my needs and wants are synonymous. I can recall from a young age wanting to be a missionary. Ministering to people in impoverished areas around the world through sharing God’s love and my own personal capabilities. As a seven year old, though; this idea seemed a little unattainable as I didn’t have an extensive knowledge of the entire bible and was pretty bad at being out-going. The shyness diminished with age. However, it wasn’t until I served this past summer in Peru that I realized I didn’t need to memorize every verse of the bible to serve the Lord. My love for God was enough. I just have to trust that He’ll lead me in His word. I now know that I have a passion for people and an enormous amount of love to share.

In a way, I left my heart in Peru. This is God calling me back. Along with guiding me to Ukraine, Romania, Chile, and India; the remaining of the five countries I will serve during my nine month adventure. Does it make me crazy for deferring from college for a year? Some of my friends would laugh while saying it’s another one of my impulsive decisions. But God’s plan for me is so much greater than what I can anticipate. 

 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:15

So I am going. All for God’s glory. 

Please keep my team and I in your thoughts and prayers as we embark on God’s glorious adventure. 

With Love, 
