GOOD NEWS!  I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED!!!! To what? An opportunity to share my passion for God’s love to eleven countries in eleven months! The World Race is an organization that provides opportunities for individuals to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We serve in a variety of ministries including orphanage work, church building, vacation bible schools, and much more. 

This season of preparing to apply for The World Race has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding seasons of my life. Let me share a little background.

            I am currently a fourth year student at the University of Florida and I will graduate in May 2017. My plan has always been to graduate with my Bachelor’s Degree then go to grad school for Physicians Assistant studies… until God re-arranged that. I am a huge planner and for God to put a question mark in my plan threw me a little off. I began to question my purpose on Earth. Not in a scary dark way, but rather in a, WOW, God is really big kind of way. I often contemplated how people that do not know God just walk through life and not question their true, authentic purpose on this Earth. Like, if they don’t believe that there is a God, then why do they think we are here? Are we here to just be here, to be present? To go to school, grow up, get married, work, have kids, and then die?

            That answer is NO for me!!! God created this world for purpose and that purpose is to glorify his Holy Name!! When I think of the beauty of our Creator and His intentions it melts my heart and puts me in awe of his love and grace. He created us to choose him. He put Adam and Eve in the garden and gave them free will to choose him and to love him. However, because of the fall we now are born into sin. We are born into a sinful nature and know no other way until we accept the love of God in our lives and truly give our lives to serve him. And oh how wonderful that moment is. We are born to learn who he is and to grow in a relationship with him and to love him. There is no other reason! Our commission and job while on earth is to live our life for God and share his love and kindness.

            I say all of this to say…. I hear the whisper. I hear the calling on my heart to have more than the ordinary. I want more of God. I want others to experience his love in a way that I have. God is amazing!!!! I feel as though there is more for me at this point in my life and I am answering his call. There is more in to learn, discover, love, and grow in. This is why I want to go.

I want to go and travel this beautiful world that God created in just seven days. I want to share him with others. I want to show people how amazing he is and how much he desires to know them on an intimate level. His heart for each individual is so great and so many have no idea.

            For these reasons and many others, I believe God called me to The World Race. Yes, some may say it is dangerous and scary and expensive, but I know a God who cares for me and if he calls me to do something he will qualify me and he will provide beyond measure.

            Saying all of this to say with your help and hard work.. I AM GOING! I’m traveling to 11 countries in 11 months and loving every person I will meet along the way. But, I can’t do this on my own. I need your help. I need prayer most of all, but I also need people to join me on this journey. If you feel led to join my team financially, please click the link on the left hand side of my blog that says, “Donate!”

            I am extremely grateful for each and every person that joins my team in prayer or with finances. The generosity of others and willingness to support me along this journey, pushes me closer and closer to sharing my love for God and for that I am eternally grateful.

            Please subscribe to my blog for more post about my journey leading up to the Race as well as posts while I’m in the field.