I honestly don’t know how to start this blog. Especially since I feel the title says everything already. “Judas ate too”. It is so simple and yet a powerful reminder of God’s undying love for us.


Back when I was in Thailand with my team, we were discussing what our favorite book of the Bible was. Some liked the Psalms and some preferred the Gospels and someone else loved the story of Jonah. But I loved Hosea. I loved the sweet reminder of how much God truly cared for His people. I loved the real life example of someone who had to love in the same manner that God did.  As soon as I said that they all asked if I had read the book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I had never even heard of it. I was told countless times of how much I would like it especially since it’s kind of a western. So that day I ordered it on Amazon and had it sent home so that when I did go home, I wouldn’t forget to read it. As soon as I got home a month and a half later, I immediately read the entire book in a matter of a week and loved it! It spoke to so much of my life in ways I didn’t even realize was possible. This beautiful story that tore at my heart reminded me of how I even came to know the Lord. And it brought to mind my own testimony of grace and how He used my horse named Grace to teach me about who He is. Fast forward a few years and I have reread Redeeming Love a couple times over. It is a personal favorite of mine and I love the reminder it gives me to not only remember my testimony, but also encourage me to love those around me with an even deeper love and to exercise grace. I bring up the story of Hosea because the other day while feeding horses, I sat and I watched all the horses gather at the round bale and begin to eat. They were all excited and eager to eat but they all kicked my horse Grace off the bale. She would get upset and go around and find another place to eat only to be kicked out by someone else. Every horse shoved and kicked at her when she got near. Except one. Our miniature pony Spartan, the very smallest of the troop saw her, let her in beside him, and let her finally eat. I thought it was so sweet of him, but that same day while browsing Pinterest I saw a picture of a tattoo that said, Judas ate too. It was so simple and yet so profound. Jesus knowing He would be betrayed still allowed a place for Judas at the table. Just like Spartan allowed room for Grace. In the garden Jesus was in such agony that He actually sweat blood. Think about that. I go to workouts each week and sweat and feel gross and my body hurts all over, but I have never pushed myself to the extent of sweating blood. But, Jesus knew of what was to come. He knew of the physical, mental and spiritual strain that was about to happen. And yet, He still made a place at the table for Judas to eat. In a similar fashion, Jesus was known to eat with sinners. He ate and spent time with tax collectors and heeled the lepers. Jesus was not frightened by our sin. He was broken hearted, and loved us so desperately that He was moved with compassion and into action. Jesus teaches us that love is an action word. Spartan could’ve just stayed put and allowed Grace to eat beside him. But instead he made room for her and moved over. Spartan was intentional. JESUS WAS INTENTIONAL. We should be too. We should be so moved by our love for Christ and for others that we would have no choice but to put it into action. No matter who it is or what they have done. Judas knew Jesus’ teachings. He knew of the miracles Jesus performed, and yet He still betrayed Him. We are not exempt from sin and brokenness just because we claim to love God. But we do have the Holy Spirit to help guide us and comfort us. We will make mistakes because the Bible is very clear that ALL have sinned. That’s the first thing I teach my Cubbies at Awana’s. “A” is for All have sinned. But we are so incredibly blessed because the blood of Christ covers a multitude of sins. When you look at the old testament we see that the Israelites turned from God over and over again and yet, God still made a place for them. Over and over, God will continue to love His people and make a place for them. Even when we make mistakes, knowingly lie, knowingly make the wrong decisions. His love is powerful. Parents can probably relate to this a little more when their kids are constantly pushing the boundaries. Yet, mom still makes dinner. At one point in time, that mother was also a child. It was her turn to have love demonstrated to her. But as she grew, she became the parent, and now its her turn to demonstrate love to someone else.If there is one thing that has been a constant and reoccurring theme this last month is that growth is necessary. As we come to know the Lord more and more, He also places more responsibilities in our care. We cannot stay young Christians forever. We have to share what we have learned with others. We have to be stretched even if it’s uncomfortable. We do not want to remain stagnant and avoid growth and opportunity. 

You will never be perfect. Only Jesus can be. But that does not mean that we can use it as an excuse to not learn and grow. Life will be hard. The Bible makes that clear. But our reward is in Heaven, and God’s grace is abounding and His love never ceasing. Judas ate too. There’s room at the table. 


With all the love in the world, ~B