Let me tell you just how (in the words of Connor and I) Jesus is coooooooollllll. Jesus is what Connnnn? Jesus is Cooooolll. Let this photo sit for a few seconds 

This photo was the start of a little movement in the town of Salem Oregon.

After Lunch BSquad got in the van and took off to the town. After making a gas potty stop and getting kinda lost we made it there. After driving around a little bit trying to find a parking spot we finally found one and the street was clear of vehicles. We parked behind a bench with a guy sitting on it. As we all pour out of the van the guy sitting on the bench turns around and asks what we are doing. Sabrina continues to speak with him and tells him what we are doing and we begin to ask him questions about what he is doing. His name is Matthew and he was kinda a Christian as he told us, but had strayed off and dabbed into some really heavy stuff but wanted to find a church and get into a community. He asked for prayer for him to find a job, to find a church, and a home to beable to live in. After we prayed for him he talked about his life a little bit deeper. Bethaney and I sat there looking for local churches that where around the area. He told us a story about how he tried to comment suicide off of a bridge 8 years ago and after 5 surgery’s his feet still was not easy to walk long distance. As we showed him the churches he kept asking for a ride to church because he couldn’t walk long distance and have to take breaks it would take him hours to get to the closest one and the bus didnt go out that far. While talking to him about it Sabrina and Rebekah went to get corn dogs a bag of chips and a Gatorade for Matthew. After we gave him the food we asked him if he had a bible. He didnt so we took him to a book store to buy him a bible. Not knowing where the closes book store was we asked Matthew. He showed us the way and we went. It was only about 3000 feet away from were we where.
As we got there we had to wait to enter so we just hung outside. As the man at the front door let three people out hannah bethaney and Matthew walked in but was only able to stay up in the front. Well the bibles where in the back of the store. Asking the worker if they had bibles he said yes but continued to do what he was doing. We had to be back at the van at 400 to leave to head back to our ministry host house before supper. But we still had time. Standing around for a while the worker finally goes to hannah and asks what kind of bible do they want and left to go get it from the back. As they checked out and handed the bible to Matthew the look on his face was priceless. So deep with happiness. Like we had given him a million dollars. Running outside telling us and showing us his bible. Being really happy for him we began to keep walking towards the church. Praying the hole way for God to place someone at the church that went there so we could connect him with someone from there. We came to a intersection and the cross walk had just cut off so we were stopped. With a big group we drew attention to us and to a man named Bryant. He was just a light shining but before I could say something He asked us where we all traveling around Salem. So we began to tell him that we where on a mission trip and he got so excited. He told us that he was from another mission trip called YAYAM. Yayam is a mission trip kinda like world race but they stay in a certain area for a longer period of time. They also have base houses all around. When we where in Lima Peru we stayed at a YAYAM base. Anyway his name was Bryant. As we spoke with him and connected Matthew with Bryant it was such a blessing and God movement. Explaining what all was going on to Matthew and him getting so excited because this is what he prayed for a really long time. As we exchanged words with everyone there, Matthew was so mind blown at the way God worked through that moment. Less than 2 hours from the time we got out of that van. To 4:45 and connecting Matthew with someone that has a vehicle knew a church that he attends and Matthew ready to walk the streets and have our own church. As we left Matthew in Bryant’s hands Matt was ready to walk the streets and start our own church and tell so many people about Jesus.

Being interrupted by the holy spirit and going with the way God had planned for us that afternoon was so fruitful. Yes after being kinda lost and strolling up on the gas station and only having 1 hour till time we had togo back. We could have easily just turned around and went back to the house. Yes we could have just dropped the conversation when we asked him does he have a bible but when he says no we dont have any to give him and book stores are normally miles away or they just dont carry bibles. Yes we could have just told him we will be praying and just leave. Yes sabrina didnt have to give him food. But we all where interrupted by the Holy Spirit and saw a seed being watered and growing. This story right here blessed all of my team. I pray to God that you get just as excited when you read this testimony from the field. Thank you God. Us leaving him in the hands of God and watering this growth only to leave him wanting to go out in the streets and start our own church amd CRAVING for something much deeper was so amazing.

Matthew is in the smiley shirt. 

Bryant is the man with the black shirt on. 

The smile on his face when he got that bible was PRICELESS. Just a 7 dollar bible gave someone hope to be able to read Gods word.

The tears after we got in the van 30 minutes later was AMAZING.

Getting home only to find out that our food was going to be about 5 minutes late and we still had a hot meal. Awesome.

Having this god moment to share with you guys is a act of faith that challenges us to take advice from this story.
1. Be interruptible to the Holy Spirit
2. Gods timing is perfect
3. Let’s get that fire back on our hearts that gets excited when we see our bible and want to call everyone to start a movement in our own towns.
This is they way we should be living our life. Fully surrendered to what Christ has for us. Because for after all JESUS IS COOOOOOOOLL