Hello everyone! As I’m preparing to leave and serve in Louisiana tomorrow I thought I could do just a quick and easy little photo blog for you all! so here are just a couple of freeze frames of my life here. 

Here is my home. This is where I’ve been staying for the past two months!

I’ve been honestly so lucky to say that this is what I wake up to everyday! I get to be woken up by the sun wishing me good morning and the stars wishing me good night. 

This is us doing some laundry! We hand wash all of our stuff. The way we do that is by filling up two of those orange and blue buckets. One with water and the other with laundry soap, then we scrub, scrub, scrub. To dry the clothes we hang it up on those clotheslines in the left of the picture. 

CAMPFIRES! Man, I love campfires, we only recently have been able to do them, and they have been a massive blessing. My favorite time is when we start worshipping the Lord around a nice and big campfire. 

Pure worship. We have the privilege as a squad to worship together every Wednesday. This past Wednesday we had the chance to take our worship outside, and under the beautiful stars!!

So this is the lodge right outside our campsite and I always love looking at the stars and moon near it!

Some more stars! Georgia does have gorgeous stars that are so vibrant.

This is my TEAM! And this night we actually got to host church. In the back row from left to right is: Kate, Grace, Regan, me, and Sophia the second row starting with the blonde on the left is: Hannah, Alex, Kenz, and Abi! 

Some more of God’s beauty shown through his sunsets!

So yeah! There is just a glimpse of what I get to see everyday. I hope you all enjoyed seeing a little bit of my life and please keep my squad in your prayers as we head down to Louisiana to help with disaster relief. Until next time, Esther Collins