My route isn’t exact, there are possible changes that can happen in months to come. I could go somewhere else first but as of this moment in time I am starting in Colombia, South America. In these next few blogs I am going to look up some facts and research each country I will be serving in. To start off with one known fact is that one-third of Colombia is made up of the Amazon Rainforest. The main practice religion is Catholicism, the population is 49,310,151, and the capital is Bogota. One unique animal you can find in the amazon river is a Pink Dolphin. Everyday at 6am and 6pm the Colombia National Anthem is played on the tv required by the law. Colombia is known for amazing coffee it is considered one of the best in the world and as a coffee drinker myself I cannot wait to taste it! It is also amazing for bird watching because they have over 2,000 species!