What in the world am I doing?
Well if you are asking that question, I’m glad you are here to find out!
So here is just a short overview of what the World Race is. The World Race is a journey where you go and serve in 11 different countries over a period of 11 months. This includes living within the culture, eating what they eat, sleeping where they sleep, shopping where they shop, etc. In each country we will be placed into a local ministry or church where we will serve. We will be doing whatever that community/ministry needs which includes, VBS/childrens ministry, street evangelism, teaching/preaching, construction/building/remodeling, pioneering new ministries, serving the homeless/praying for the sick, and soo much more! I cannot tell you for sure ahead of time what we will be doing in each country, but I will be updating everyone via this blog as we go serve. For more information about the World Race as an organization itself, see this link: https://www.worldrace.org/?tab=about Also, go check out the blogs of other racers and see what God is doing through them!
The route I got accepted to is called the Expedition Route. Specifically this route is focused on the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window is a term used to describe the area between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator over North Africa/Southern Europe all the way east to North East Asia/South East Asia. It’s an area of the world where the Gospel is desperately needed. Almost 5 BILLION people live in this region. It is approximated that 3 Billion of those people have never heard the Gospel. 3 Billion. It is also approximated that 83% of the worlds poorest of the poor live in the 10/40 Window. Also that this region contains approximately 84% of the people in the world that have the lowest quality of life (life expectancy, infant mortality, and literacy). As I mentioned, it is an area that is in desperate need. We will be serving these communities and loving the people within them. Also due to the sensitivity of the areas we will be ministering in, I am not allowed to share publicly the countries we will be traveling to. But if you are a supporter (see below), I will be able to share with you face to face where we will be sharing the love of Christ.
That is essentially what I will be doing over the next 11 months starting in January. Serving. I have no idea what it is going to look like. I also have no idea specifically where I will be or what our squad will be doing. I have no idea what challenges we will face and have to overcome. But I’m perfectly okay with that. Because I know that Christ is leading us there. He will provide the opportunities to minister, to pray, to teach, to preach, and to serve. He will give us the provision and protection for every situation. I know that we are not going alone, and that’s where my peace is coming from right now. The peace that goes beyond all understanding, that even now, I can feel surrounding myself and my squad as we prepare ourselves for this journey.
Which leads me to the here and now. I need your support to be able to go on this journey. And I’m going to pause right here for a second. If God is not calling you to give to help support me in this journey, then please don’t give! I am not worried about the finances, I know God will provide. But I also need support in prayer, actually more so than finances! Please pray for myself and my squad as we venture into these unreached areas. The Lord has amazing plans waiting for us, but I believe what God wants to do needs to be prepared right now in prayer! Please partner with us and pray! Doing so is making an eternal difference. But if in addition to prayer you would like to support me, there are a couple ways you can do so.
Obviously financially is a way you can support what God is doing. Here at the top of this page you will see my total that I need to raise $17,617. That will cover all of my expenses for the next 11 months from when we launch! There is a little button to the right that says “Donate!”. That link will lead you to the right place to support me! Those funds will go directly into my Adventures in Missions account. If you want to send a check, it can be made out to Adventures in Missions and then sent to P.O. Box 742570 Atlanta, GA 30374-2570
The other way you can support me is that I also have a Wishlist entitled “World Race Gear” on amazon. If you would like to help me purchase gear or if you have gear I could use please contact me! The link to my amazon list is here: https://amzn.com/w/X9S78GW0ZZGF
Thank you all so much for following me on this crazy/amazing/scary/incredible adventure I am about to go on. The Lord has been preparing my heart and doing some incredible things. I have been humbled so many times already on this journey. I cannot thank the Lord enough for how amazing this life with Him has already been and I cannot wait to see what He has next! Please continue to pray and subscribe to this blog so I can keep you updated. Thank you to all those who are supporting me, there’s no way I could be equipped to do what God wants to do without your help!