I’ve come to realize something.

I need to stop giving people answers.

It’s so easy to show people the solution, but then they never understand the problem. The next time they are faced with a more difficult situation, guess where they go? Right back to where they got answers.

Now this is great if people are turning to the Father, but what if they aren’t?

What if I run to people instead of God?

What if I make people run to me instead of the Father?

What happens if I no longer have the answers?

I’ve realized there is a great danger in giving people answers instead of journey. I meant well when I gave people answers, I just didn’t want to see people struggle. And to be honest, it felt good to give people answers and see them doing better. But people need to struggle, people need to know how to be self dependent in finding the Father. I’ve come to realize that I’ve hindered people’s journeys by giving them answers. I’ve turned their eyes toward myself instead of turning them towards the Spirit of Truth. I’ve made them dependent on me instead of dependent on Jesus. By giving them answers, I’ve crippled them from finding answers on their own. It may have made their season easier, but at what cost?

This led me to ponder, how did Jesus answer people’s questions?

The more I searched, the more I saw. Jesus actually very seldom gave people answers. He was okay with their questions and their struggle. Jesus modeled what it looks like to give people not what they want, but what they need.

“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” John 5:19

Jesus submitted everything to the Father. He only spoke what He heard the Father say, even when it only caused more questions. Why? Because Jesus wasn’t concerned about giving people answers, He was concerned about giving people a Journey to His Home. He was concerned about only speaking what the Father told Him.

What if we aproached discipleship and our relationships this way?

Are we willing to die to ourselves and let people struggle? Are we willing to push them to the Father, even if we can see the problem clearly? Are we willing to set aside control and trust that the Spirit of Truth will lead them to the Truth? Are we willing to give people a journey instead of an answer?

After seeing much of the world, I see in the western church that there’s a trend of giving people answers and making them dependent on man instead of God. We have put so much stock in pastors that we’ve let them be the “thing” we are depedent on instead of our daily communion with The Father. No wonder why there’s so much pain and division in the congregation when pastors retire. We’re making people dependent on people and robbing them of the beautiful struggle of journeying with Jesus.

Now don’t get me wrong, we need pastors, prophets, teachers, apostles, and evangelists. But we need a thriving relationship with our Savior so much more. A deep, strong, and intimate relationship that can only come with struggle and pursuit.

If I find that I’m running to what my pastor/mentor/teacher/evangelist/apostle/friend said more than what Holy Spirit is speaking to me right now, something is wrong. I’ve become dependent on someone instead of Him.

If I have a problem, and the first thing I do is turn to a person, something is wrong. I’m seeking people to save me instead of the Savior.

Holy Spirit was given to be our daily Guide, Friend, and Counselor! Jesus even told us that He wasn’t able to tell us everything while He was on Earth.

“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”
John 16:12?-?13 NIV

Can we trust that Holy Spirit is still speaking today?

Can we actively parter with Him in this journey and push other people to do the same?

Are we willing to trust that God will show up when we push people to Him instead of giving people an answer?

The Good News is that Jesus is still alive and the living, breathing, and active Word! Holy Spirit is here! The Father is giving the Spirit of Truth what to say to lead us into all understanding. We have to find His Voice. That’s how we journey with God and become dependent on Him.

I’m done just giving people the right answers so that I can feel good about myself, or so I can be admired or thought highly of. I’m done robing people of the journey that will strengthen them for the next adventure. I’m done making people dependent on me instead of the Spirit of Truth.

I’m ready to give people a Journey instead of an answer.








Thank you all for continuing to follow my journey! My season with T-Squad is coming to an end. I’ll only be with them for a few more weeks! Please be praying for them as they transition to new places and I’ll definitely take some of those prayers as well in this transition. I’m so excited to impart as much as I can while I’m still here, and while I’m sad to leave them, I cannot wait to see what they’ll do when they are set loose!


Financial update: I’m currently still needing to fundraise about $3500 for this season and I only have a few weeks to do so! I can definitely use your help! If you would like to partner with me and be a part of my team, please hit that support button on this page. I’ll also make sure to begin to share with you my current situations and prayer needs that I cannot share publicly. 


Until next time my friends! I love and miss you all!