Would it be strange to say that God spoke to me through a glass of water?

Let me back up a little bit.

T Squad has just finished their first month on the race in Japan. We saw God do so much and be so Faithful (another blog for another time).

Our last day in Japan we had a full 24 hours in Tokyo to see the city and bring the Kingdom. It was incredible. I ate Michelin star ramen noodles(I didn’t know ramen could be so good), saw a 1:1 scale Gundam (anime robot), visited a mind-blowing digital art museum, got challenged by Holy Spirit to pray for some people on the street in difficult circumstances, saw the oldest temple in Tokyo, ate street food, ate the highest grade beef possible (wow), pet owls, and had many more once in a lifetime experiences. Yes, it was a very full, and very awesome 24 hours!

I walked away from that time feeling great, a little tired, but very alive and excited having experienced so much in so little time.

That brings me to today. We boarded our flight to Taiwan and I just needed to spend some time with Jesus. I love travel days. I’m forced to be still, I’m pressed into the uncomfortable, and I have to be around so many people who haven’t heard the Good News!

So I’m sitting on the plane just spending time with the Father, and I’m a little antsy to see if we are going to get any in flight food or beverages. Then I spot it, the drink cart! Hallelujah! God is Good!

I start pondering what I should get. Hmmmm. Apple or orange juice? Coke or Ginger Ale? Tea or coffee?

Then Holy Spirit speaks to me.

“Eric, I want you to get water.”

And I was like what?! Water?! Lame.

He spoke to me again.

“No, really, Eric I want you to get water.”

Then something shifted inside of me.

“Ok Holy Spirit, if that’s what you want, I’ll get water.”

Holy Spirit showed me that I have been so spoiled over the past day that even choosing water was an act of surrender.

All of the sudden I was filled with such joy and desire! Everything in my Spirit earned to order water! It might seem so strange, but I knew He wanted me to order water, and I was so excited to do what He wanted! I couldn’t wait for the words to leave my lips to the flight attendant. “Could I get a glass of water!!?” (Side note, I did kind of say it embarrassingly loud)

And then Holy Spirit showed me the lesson. Besides the lesson of dying to myself, He spoke to me that even the smallest and often simplest provision from Him will bring more purpose and satisfaction than the best we could ever strive for.

That simple glass of water satisfied me and meant more to me than any of those experiences in Tokyo did or ever could. Don’t get me wrong, Tokyo was great, but my joy and satisfaction are found in doing what the Father says. He alone can satisfy the True yearnings of my heart! He alone can be my daily Bread.

So thank you Tokyo for reminding me of what really matters. I had so much fun exploring around and experiencing what you had to offer, but it doesn’t even come close to even the smallest things the Father has for me.

Father thank you for taking the foolish things of the world and using them to shame the wise. We think we know what can truly satisfy, but we don’t. We can create all these things to wow our senses and blow us away, but you speak a Greater Word with a glass of water.