Luke 10:38 tells the story of how Martha invited Jesus into her home and while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening to him, Martha was concerned with all of the preparations. There is so many times where I am Martha and not Mary.

I will fluster myself and work myself to an unhealthy state and pour myself out to people when I have nothing left to pour. I am a Martha! But if I could take a note from Mary; to be present at Jesus’s feet, listening to him diligently and daily, praying to Him without ceasing and being fully present….I would never get bothered by what the devil was doing because my eyes would be fixated on my Savior. 

This is for me, not you….I need to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus because whatever He has planned for me, it will come to pass. He promises us in Jeremiah 29:11, for I know the plans I have for your life, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. He tells us in 2 Corinthians 1:20, no matter how many promises God has made, they are yes in Christ. Therefore are only response should be Amen. 

This is for you…when you find yourself growing weary in your relationship with Christ, go back to the Word where God’s promises for you are already Yes, therefore just say Amen.  

Be blessed my World Race family….I love you!

Please continue to pray for me and walk with me in this journey!

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