The time is here. A whole year has passed since applying for the World Race. A whole year. How does that happen?! Last year I was so excited, thrilled, calm, and ready for what the Lord had. I knew this would be an adventure of a lifetime and I was counting down the days until I left! Well now that the time is here I still feel all of those things but man does Satan have a way of sneaking in and pounding in doubt and fear.
Today was our last day with our parents and I knew this time was coming. The time when we had to say goodbye. I had said goodbye to comfort, routine, family and friends before launch, but saying goodbye to my physical crutch was one of the hardest goodbyes. Watching my mom drive away with my puppy in the passenger seat was heartbreaking and I will be honest, a small part of me wanted to stop the car and hop in and drive away. But man would I regret not taking this step of faith. And not the fact that I would never see them again, she is a Skype call away, but knowing that the relationship has changed and will change this next year. We will both be on a journey and both depend on the Lord in a new and deeper way. It’s hard when the Lord has blessed you with such wonderful stewards of faith as parents because in these moments you don’t want to let them go; you want to take them with you. And as hard as it was I’m reminded that I belong to the Lord, that he entrusted my mom to raise me and although she is my earthly mother, he is my heavenly and eternal Father.
So as I’m sitting here trying to get my emotions in check and focus on what’s ahead of me, I am praying for that peace to resurface. The anxiety and nervousness have been a real thing that has crept up and I rebuke living in fear of the unknown. God is in control and I choose to live by that truth. He has divinely interrupted my regularly scheduled programming for this opportunity to serve him in a different capacity. He has been preparing this journey since before I was in my mother’s womb and now this particular season has come to fruition. The Lord has done a work in preparing me for this mission and a work in my mom for letting go.
So I say goodbye to family, goodbye to friends, goodbye to my mom, and goodbye to fear.
Hello Adventure!