

A strong word. A strong meaning. 


We say things like we hate vegetables, we hate exercising, we hate flying, etc. The word is used so loosely and thrown around pretty frequently. 


The definition of Hate is to feel intense or passionate dislike for someone or something. So think about that. An intense feeling where we utterly despise a person, place, or thing. We have such a wall built up against it that we can’t see that vegetables and exercise are actually beneficial for us. And flying is supposedly safer than driving, however I’m still petrified to fly but I don’t hate it. 


Recently I have been sitting with the Lord and just so confused and astounded at the amount of hatred in our world. And I know we are a broken world and can only be saved by the grace of Jesus, but in the meantime while on Earth what are we doing to change from hearts of hate to hearts of love? It saddens me that there are still generations that teach hate to their later generations. Why are we still in this cycle? Why haven’t we stopped the cycle? Why are we not confronting these things? Well if we aren’t taught the truth of the gospel how can we? 


I am going to back track to Exodus where we see Joseph’s generation and his brothers have all passed away and here comes a new king in the land of Egypt who doesn’t see it fit for there to be so many Israelites. So he oppressed them and put slave masters over them and worked them ruthlessly, and then decided to kill any new born baby boy. And if we keep reading we know Moses comes in and through plagues, and such things Pharaoh lets the Israelites go. But just look for a moment at the pride and arrogance of Pharaoh thinking it is ok to be in control of another human being. That he has the right to be in demand of someone. Fast-forward some generations, sound familiar in our history……Slavery? Hitler? 


Now fast forward generations after Moses and Joshua. Their generations have died off and we are in Judges with the new generations of the tribes of Israel. But instead of reading Judges and saying, wow God raised up a judge to save his people and they turned from their wicked ways, we see a cycle of them sinning, they are oppressed, they cry out to the Father, God raises a Judge, peace in the land, and then they go back to their wicked ways. There is no change of heart. 


Keep reading, there’s a connection between these cycles. 


So the first cycle we see is that of hatred. We come from generations dating way back to Bible times that shows us the fallen man who thinks they can have control over another human being, even though from the very beginning God only gave man authority over the fish in the sea, birds in the sky, wild animals, and creatures that move on the ground (Gen. 1:26). Nowhere does it say that he gives man the authority to rule over another man. 


Second cycle we see is of forgotten ignorance. The Lord provides for his people over and over, raises a Judge to bring peace, and yet the people still return to their wicked ways, disobey, bring dishonor to the Lord, and live in a forgotten ignorance of not only what the Lord has done for them but also what the Lord clearly told them not to do. 


Take a look at American history, and even our world now in 2020. Are we not continuing to live in hatred and forgotten ignorance? Do we not still have the mindset that we can control and abuse another human being? That we only cry out to God when we need saving or want something and then go on living like it’s nothing? My brothers and sisters this cannot be. We cannot continue living with a heart of hate. We have got to move to a heart of love. We do that by breaking generational cycles and stepping out with boldness to say this is wrong and it needs to stop. We focus too much on racial factors and not enough on the truth of the Bible. I see the hurt and pain when a black man is killed, or in my own life listening to “white people don’t care about us and don’t want us to succeed”, or just the utter fear from either race completely born out of ignorance. Do not misunderstand me, I am a proud black woman and I am proud to have come from a generation of hard working women to set an example of what hard work is. I am proud of the African-Americans who stood up to the nonsense and fought for freedom and rights to be equal. I am thankful to God for making me this way and exposing the beauty there is in ALL cultures and races. But I also understand that when this life passes and we all fade away the color of my skin doesn’t matter. The fact that my hair is a different texture doesn’t matter. What matters is my heart with Jesus. 


Galatians 3:28-29 says “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” 


So in today’s context, there is neither black nor white, Latino nor Asian, etc. The point is we are all one in Christ. Just to say one more time, we are all one in Christ. 


How do we transform from a heart of hate to a heart of love? 

  1. We take ownership.

  • Own the mistakes of generations gone before us, as well as our own. Own the mistakes we will make because we are not perfect.

  1. Become Self-Aware

  • When we become self-aware we have a deeper understanding of ownership. And then begin the process to change our minds and our hearts.  

  1. Become God Aware

  • Read and study the word. Get an understanding. We take things out of context too easily and twist scripture to make it work for us. When in fact the Gospel is never changing and doesn’t work to fit our needs. We have a heart change and our needs then become the needs of Jesus.

  1. Remember 

  • Don’t continue to live in forgotten ignorance. Remember what the Lord has done for you and how he’s blessed you. Love God (remember the creator), love yourself (you were made in His image), love others (pour out the same grace that is given to you by our heavenly Father). 

  1. Embrace the Difference

  • Each person was created in the image of God. We were all created to be how He made us to be. Embrace and learn about the cultures around you. Learn their styles, dances, languages, etc. Embrace the beauty of each culture but of each individual person. Don’t group everyone together (we aren’t all the same), take the time to further your knowledge in something or someone new. 

  1. 1 Corinthians 13:4

  • Love. Read this scripture and apply this kind of love to your life. This is the kind of love we are to have for those around us. Not only those we choose to love, all of God’s children. When we love we do not see the racial barrier. We see a child of God and choose to practice loving them. 


In light of recent events in our country, I sit here and pray for both families. Yes I believe in justice and for the wrongdoers to be punished. But remember that we are also to show grace. The love of Christ isn’t bashing anyone and trash talking them. Under the assumption that they were raised to hate, they lived in forgotten ignorance. I pray, that cycle is broken for their family. But don’t get caught up in the hatred cycle yourself. Get caught up in the cycle of forgiveness and prayer. Don’t get caught up personally for the racial factor, get caught up personally for the fact of a broken and fallen world and ways you can tangibly change the hatred/ignorance cycle for you and your family. 


Change your hearts.

Change from hate. Change to love.

Embrace people.

Love the differences that bring unity.