Dear Momma,
I really didn’t think it would happen. We had been talking about it for months. Every time the conversation came about, your response was that it would be great, but it’s just not realistic.
The money.
The time off work.
The ungodly flight.
The safety.
I had already prepared myself mentally that I would be one of the few on the squad without parents coming to the Parent Vision Trip (PVT).
PVT is a time when parents are invited to visit their racer toward the end of their Race to do ministry with them for a week.
When I told you PVT would be during our Month 8 in South Africa you were less than enthused that it was so far and on a continent you had no desire to visit.
The deadline for PVT was approaching fast. Talk of excitement from my teammates about seeing their parents again was a little hard, but I was excited for them.
Then I saw God move in the way He always does: His perfect timing, just in the nick of time.
It was two days before the deadline and you asked me to send you the PVT information again. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I had a feeling the Lord had put something on your heart that you just couldn’t shake.
Every message you sent involved all your questions, doubts and worries. I just had a feeling that you wouldn’t go through with the application.
The $800 program cost for the week of ministry, lodging and food on top of a pricy round-trip ticket to halfway across the world would just be too much.
The deadline date had passed and I still hadn’t heard from you. At this point I was almost positive you didn’t go through with it.
I thought about the fact that the only time you’ve been abroad was when you dropped me off to study abroad in Spain about three and a half years ago.
If you come to South Africa you’d be going alone.
You’d be way out of your comfort zone.
You’d be worried about safety.
Yet, despite all your fears and doubts you did it anyway.
You applied!
I found out the next day that you applied and I couldn’t believe my ears!
You got a full scholarship for the program and on the day you decided you were going to go, your workplace announced that you’d have a bonus.
That is his provision.
That is Him telling you that He has removed all barriers and aligned all things for you to be able to come on this trip.
And although I’m excited to see you…you may be shocked to hear that it’s not the most exciting part.
Mom, I’m a different person. You’re going to see a new Erica. God has changed me. And although all of us racers are nervous to see our parents because we know how different we are, there is one thing that captivates our minds.
We are all waiting expectantly for how God is going to move in our parents during PVT.
Doing ministry with orphans in South Africa.
Seeing God’s people the way He sees them.
Worshiping God in raw and powerful ways you’ve never experienced before.
Hurting for the hurt.
Helping the helpless.
My prayer is that when you’re on the plane back to America you’ll sit in amazement of how God revealed Himself throughout the week.
I pray you go home with such a fire and passion about what happened in your week here that you change those around you because of it.
I’m so excited, Mom.
I’m so excited to see you.
But I’m even more excited to share a glimpse of what my life has been like for the past 7 months.
So that you’ll understand that God truly did call me to this life.
So that when I tell you that I HEAR God tell me to go somewhere or do something, that no matter how crazy or illogical it sounds, you’ll have a peace from the Lord.
You’ll know because you’ll have experienced it for yourself.
Mom, it’s just 5 short weeks til I see you for the first time in over 7 months.
I can’t wait to cry in your arms and feel the comforts of home just by the sound of your voice.
God has called you to this and I couldn’t be more proud.
I love you!
Your “Sweet Daughter / Child of God”
Erica Ann Everett