Evangelism has such a negative connotation– and partially for good reason. Who would want a stranger to interrupt their day to ask about Jesus?

I remember walking around my college campus in Tampa and seeing people with megaphones and giant signs chanting:

“You’re going to Hell! Repent of your sins!”

My blood would boil thinking about how these “Christians” were misrepresenting the faith of a loving God whose character is gentle, firm and relational. Surely these evangelists were giving Christians a bad name and its no wonder my campus colleagues argued and shouted back.

Fast forward to my second month on the World Race here in Romania. Each of the seven teams that make up my squad have been assigned to work with a different ministry in the area of Alba Iulia. My team, of course, was the only one assigned to evangelism. (God has a great sense of humor)!

Many people think promoting religion to others is inappropriate, and everyone should just respect what others believe. But if you know in your heart that Jesus is the truth –that he was an actual person who died on the cross, defeated death (with historical and physical evidence), and that the Bible is true– then you know that a relationship with Christ is the only way to the Father. Truth is definite in accordance with fact and reality. There is no other religion that is based on a more researched and well known event in human history, that claims to be truth and then proved it in the flesh. 

It’s important to realize that the Bible calls each Christian to “spread the good news” of Christ:

“…for you will be a witness for Him to everyone of what you have seen and heard.” ~ Acts 22:15 (ESV) 

Jesus even tells us the approach to take in doing it:

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” ~ 1 Peter 3:15


Although evangelism is extremely uncomfortable and there are a million other ways I’d rather serve the Lord, He’s revealed to me that this spiritual gift is something He wants me to grow in. 

To say that my squad mentor Teresa has a passion for evangelism is an UNDERSTATEMENT. She had considered herself Christian growing up, but after hearing the root of Christ’s truth from an evangelist, she made her faith her own and it changed her life. She is an example, in and of herself, as to how evangelism can radically change lives, both for the now and eternity! Hundreds (and I’m not exaggerating) of people around the world have come to know Christ through Teresa’s evangelism to strangers and her testimony. It just goes to show that evangelism is more than “shoving religion down peoples throat”, but rather a responsibility God calls us to in order to expand His Kingdom. 

Through all the rejection and negative connotations that come with evangelism, it’s truly peoples eternity at stake here. It only takes one person to explain that God loves you and wants an intimate relationship with you through Jesus Christ to make an eternal difference. 

The other day I got to go evangelizing with Teresa and… if you want to hear my first-hand testimony of how we have a living God who handpicks interactions and orchestrates divine encounters to bring people to Christ then check out my next blog “Feeding Homeless, Sending Home the Lost Sheep: Evangelizing in Romania”


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