So..i was having my quiet time and all i could think about was purpose..
                 the word purpose, what it may mean, how it can be used, anything to do with purpose..
i began to write in my prayer journal and this is what ended up coming out of this idea..hope you enjoy 🙂

Purpose: What is purpose? its more than what something is made to do, purpose is what something was designed to do; going beyond the outside image and the way something may look and looking into it characteristics, values, determination, and ultimately it's heart. Lets say a can opener's purpose is to open cans…fair enough..But look beyond the beautiful handle and they way it perfectly fits your hand and look at how each small detailed piece works with all the other pieces to open a can of green beans. Its spectacular..when you take a closer look!! Thats how we need to view ourselves…look beyond what you wear, how you talk, and the way you walk. Look on the inside…what tugs on your heart strings? what brings tears to your eyes? what makes you laugh, smile, cry, or mad? What has GOD called YOU to do?? God has called you to look for your purpose in life he didn't make you for you to be stuck on some self like an old utensil never being used..he wants you in the forefront, the first that is needed and the first to GO! Allow him  to use your characteristics, beliefs, talents, and spiritual gifts to better the world around you and fulfill the purpose he has for your life..and the next time someone ask "What is Purpose?" you can say "It's not about how the can of green beans were opened but rather what it took to get there.."