Hello Chow!

I try to see every month as the incredible oppurtunity.  An oppurtunity  to dress up as tigger and trip over children.  The oppurtunity to sleep on the roof under the 6 Lima stars with the rats.  Oppurtunities for 2 minute hugs and kisses, dances inspired by the joy of Christ, leading creative worship, racing and winning with my team, to watch sunsets, jump in the ocean, go to a persons 70th birthday party, cram into bus´s, free food from the corner store, anicucho, having allergic reactions to shrimp, speak broken spanish in pool halls late at night, laugh and be the center of attention in a world often so far from the familiar.  Thank you Lord for allowing a life full of them.  I don´t deserve them, but I love you for giving me the grace to enjoy them.


clownin                                                                        shhhoot shrimp gettin me good!

total city slicker


Brazilian clowns in the Peruvian Andes?          Rainbows over Cucso                                 takin a stroll                

Ok, so what did I really learn from Peru…Peru was a tough month for ol Eric I believe.  After coming off of a Guatamalan high, Peru was a complete switcharoo.  Coming into the month I wasn´t as excited as some to jump into a planned schedule, though I will admit it did produce some amazing oppurtunities for our bigger team.  I never really clicked in and found my place among the craziness, I took my part as a clown and tigger (which stray dogs love by the way), I put my nails into the church built in Lomo, I prayed for loved people sick in bed, I danced with the youth when the music was right, I did the things I could do at the time but was rarely pushed or pulled out of that lovely ol comfort zone.  Perhaps a pawn was exactly my place in the game this time. 

Oh Africa, will you pull this heart to life?