Hello again friends! I haven’t been the best about updating you on what the Lord is doing here in Costa Rica and I wanted to apologize for that. My squad has been in Costa Rica since March 31 and it has been an adjustment to come from Guatemala, but we have been seeing the Lord work and grow us already which is so sweet.
I wanted to show you a glimpse of what an average week looks like here in Costa Rica so far. Also, day to day things change and weeks end up looking pretty different but this is what a typical week looks like.
Sunday starts the week off at church! We get to help plan services here and go to church every week. We get “dressy”, which on the world race could mean pants and a nicer shirt or wearing the only dress you packed.
Monday is adventure day! Which means we get a day off to go experience something fun in Costa Rica. So far that has looked like a waterfall but I’m really excited for the other things our squad will experience on adventure days.
A sweet day of rest. A day we get to Sabbath and make sure our lives are flowing from a place of intimacy with the Lord before we can serve others and live from overflow of who we know we are in Him.
Wednesday and Thursday
Ministry looks like manual labor. We get to help on the base with anything they need, which so far has been making a concrete porch, chopping downs trees in the jungle with a machete and raking leaves.
This was our first day of manual labor. Team Mosaic helped clear pathways around the base by raking leaves.
Below is a look at us making a cement front porch another manual labor day!
Soccer ministry. We get to be coaches and play games with the kids for a little while and end the time with a devo.
Youth group! We get to plan a youth group for the kids at the church in the Puerto Viejo area! It is a good way to push people on our squad outside of their comfort zone and see more sides to peoples personalities.
I hope this opens your eyes a little to what life here looks like! Feel free to reach out anytime with questions you have!
thanks for reading,