
My name is Emily Scott and I am a 23 year old living and working in Portland, Oregon. I grew up in America’s Aviation State, commonly referred to as Ohio. I am the oldest of three; my brother, John, and sister, Isabelle, are both studying at school in Ohio. We grew up in a Christian home and I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was 7 years old. God has always been a constant in my life and I am thrilled for this opportunity to share His Love with others.

Fast forward to the Summer of 2017, I graduated from The Ohio State University and moved across the country to Portland for a job in the Financial Services Industry. During my 18 months in the Pacific North West, my growth spiritually has lead me to discover my life’s passion to serve God, spread His Word, and help others. When I was introduced to the World Race this past fall I jumped at the opportunity to get involved. I will be leaving on my mission trip to 11 countries in 11 months this August!

Some of my hobbies/ interests include adventure, music, and comedy. Living in the PNW has reinforced my love for the outdoors, some of my favorite activities include: skiing, camping, scuba diving, and hiking. Musicals are my jam 🙂 – crossing my fingers for a second Anna Kendrick & Jeremy Jordan collab. Finally, over the past few months, I have been taking improv classes at a local theater.

I am beyond excited to be the hands and feet of Christ through this missionary program. Thank you for reading my page 🙂


– Em


1 Corinthians 4:1 “This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed.”