A few months ago I borrowed this book, Love Does, by Bob Goff. It’s about this guy’s life and how he strives to live a little more like Jesus each day. Through his stories he shares so much raw truth about living a faith filled life. Last night I was feeling a little anxious about life, so I decided to open the book before I went to bed. I landed on a chapter that spoke so well to me. This is the note it ended on-


“Things that go wrong can shape us or scar us. I’ve had some things go well in my life and some things not go so well, just like you. More have gone well than have gone poorly, but I’m not trying to keep score because I have a different way I must measure those things now. God find us in our failures and our successes, and He says that while we used to think one way about things, now He wants us to think another way about those same things. And for me, I’ve realized that I used to be afraid of failing at the things that really mattered to me, but now I’m more afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.”


That’s a lot to take in, I know.

But this passage refreshed my heart. It reminded me how important it is to live life with arms wide open, in full awareness that you’re not always going to be right and how sometimes things will be pretty rough. It’s how you react and move forward that shapes you. Failures are nothing in comparison to the confidence God can bring; in fact failures offer up a chance to take on a different perspective and go at life with a new mindset!

So today I am trying to offer up a new way of thinking- embrace each moment with the confidence that our imperfections are okay, and the ability to keep pursuing God and meeting Him where you are is vital. He isn’t surprised by imperfection, that’s why He sent His Son.


Look at circumstances a little differently. Take these opportunities in life to spread love and good vibes. Keep an open mind, accept the things you can’t always control. God is above all of our struggles and He wants us to live a life fully engaged, bound to His Promises.

It’s crazy how even when my expectations are low or my spirit is a little down, God shows himself regardless. Moving forward I am praying for all of you and your beautiful hearts as everyone works to show a little more kindness day in and day out.

Thanks for sticking around and bearing through my first official blog post. So much appreciated!

Update on fundraising: I am about to start selling t-shirts within the next two or three weeks, so keep an eye out! They’re short sleeve comfort colors that will be selling for $20. Until then, if you wish to make a direct donation, click the orange “DONATE” button at the top of this page and it will direct you from there to make a contribution. If you ever have any questions or simply want to know more about the World Race, let me know. I looove talking! Lastly, I could not do any of this without y’all. As always, THANK YOU! Have a wonderful week- you are so wonderful!

Much love, 
