Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wow, I have so much to be thankful for. God’s provision has been abundantly clear to me recently.

For starters, I reached my 50% fundraising deadline right on schedule! Praise the Lord that He provides in even the unlikely ways! This deadline was something I was really worried about. I felt like I had cut it so close when trying to raise only 25%, that I couldn’t see another 25% coming together in time. But something the Lord is reminding me is to put Him first in all things fundraising related. I am so thankful He doesn’t give up on me as easily as I give up on things, because He has been using this fundraising experience to show me incredible things. Just a small example is that only a week before my deadline, I was still $500 off. And then at the last minute, three checks showed up for $200, $250, and $50. Just like that, I was exactly where I needed to be.

It shouldn’t take these big gestures and obvious hands of God for us to have faith that He will deliver, but I am so thankful He doesn’t mind doing them anyway! It is such a joy to be encouraged like this and to have such a personal example of His provision.

I recently had a dear friend, who makes and sells home décor, tell me she wanted to donate a percentage of her earnings to my trip. When I tell you I almost started crying… The very next day another wonderful friend said she has been so blessed to have started a new job, and that she would love to bless me as well with a percentage of what she makes doing it. I have a friend who donates to my race every paycheck, consistently. I just don’t have the words to express my gratitude to the people who care so much about me and getting me to South America, and I just wanted to acknowledge them and thank them so much.

And it’s not only financial support! I have been SHOWERED with love and encouragement in all forms! I am so blessed by the people who meet with me weekly to check in and see how they can help me, celebrate with me in my victories, and encourage me and my questions. The people who share my posts and blogs. The people who pray for me or simply ask me how it’s going. I am thankful for all of you, and every single way I’ve been encouraged and supported. The Lord is doing great things around me and I am bursting at the opportunity to take this light with me and spread it to God’s children in South America!