Hot. Sticky. Sweaty. Baking. Most warm blooded humans feel this way in 85 degree weather with 65% humidity. I am an exception. Which leads me to believe that I am actually cold blooded.
All of these hot and sticky words are not very common to my vocabulary. Unless I just returned from a 10 mile hike in the 80 degree heat with 65% humidity.
I am ALWAYS cold (seriously, just ask my dad, I think he hears my complaints about it the most). I will wear jeans and long sleeves while everyone else has shorts and a tank top on. I always need a blanket when I’m curled up on the couch watching TV, no matter the season. Truly, it can be very frustrating. Especially living in Wisconsin where it is winter 85% of the year. (Yes I am exaggerating, but not by much).
Today, however, I got a new perspective on my perpetual coldness. My family and I went to Chicago to drop my sister off at the airport (You should read my previous blog post “Why 11 Months is Actually 16” for more details on that). Once she went through security, we wandered around the Lincoln Park Zoo, because, well why not? It was amazing. The day was quite warm, especially in the direct sunlight. I did not mind at all!
Towards the end, when we were getting ready to leave, the rest of my family was VERY hot and sweaty. The sun had been beating down for the past hour and a half. My poor baby cousin said “I’m hot” about 26 times. Everyone felt sticky from the humidity. They felt dirty from being so sticky and hot. But me? I truly felt fine. I loved being hot. Seriously, I will pick boiling hot over cold ANY day. But I also realized I didn’t even really mind the dirty feeling either. It felt natural to be somewhat sweaty and hot (not even that sweaty since it really takes a lot for me to sweat because my internal thermometer is so far off).
That’s when I realized, God literally created me for travel and hard work. I was not created to stay at home and have a 9-5 desk job. Don’t get me wrong, that is exactly where other people are supposed to be. I, however, am not. (Literally, I would freeze all the time because they always have the A/C on in buildings!)
I don’t know if I can say I was specifically created for the World Race, but I WAS created to answer His call and spread the gospel to the whole world. Sometimes the whole world is your coworkers at your 9-5 desk job. But for me, it means strapping on a backpack, to hike and be sweaty and get dirty. It means going awhile without a shower. It means really sweating a lot, so much so that makeup would be a complete joke! I am really excited for this trip. And now I am even a bit more excited as I realize how perfect God planned this for me by creating me coldblooded.