Brothers and sisters, we do not serve a God whom is fixated and built upon a need for money or a love for money. My heart has been burdened with the amount of friends and family I have in my life that have become discouraged in being unable to support me financially through this mission. If you have found that this is your heart, whether it is with me or with another brother or sister in your life, this should not be! I am deeply grateful for the amount of love and support I have received these past couple of months. Furthermore, I am overjoyed with how much has been provided in my fundraising goal BUUUUT I also want to make it as clear as I can that it is NOT the only way or the best way that support can be given to me throughout this missions trip.

In the New Testament, we see Paul send Timothy back to the church of the Thessalonians in fear that they had strayed away from God and fell into the lies of false teachers. After receiving a different report from what Paul had expected, He began to write encouragement to the new believers of this church in Thessalonica. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17, he states “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

My dear friends, I want to encourage each of you in this scripture and so many other passages (1 Samuel 2:1-11, Matthew 26:36-46, Exodus 15:1-18, Habakkuk 3) throughout The Word that always point back to prayer and praising The Lord and never point to money. A reality of doing the World Race is having to ask people for money and on the flip-side of that, the people that I ask having a willing heart to give cheerfully. Whether you have donated to me, have kept me in your prayers or both, I am equally grateful in each. It is absolutely necessary to acknowledge that none of what I have been provided with financially would be if it were not for the prayers of my own lips and the prayer of those around me. I say all of this to firstly point out in scripture how important it is to pray joyfully and with thanksgiving. Second, I wanted to give specifics of what I am needing prayer for as I am getting ready to launch soon. Many of you have asked me in what ways you can be encouraging and praying for me so i would greatly appreciate prayer in the following:

  • The rest of my fundraising needs would be met within the next couple of weeks. I can acknowledge that money is not the main focus of this missions trip but it is a necessity that God has sovereignly allowed. I am only $1,500 away from being fully funded and am approaching my last deadline soon.
  • I would stay in good health in the weeks leading up to my launch date. I work in a Kindergarten classroom and some of the time it is as though the kiddos have never learned to wash their hands. I am very prone to getting colds and things of the like so maintaining good health is a big one.
  • It has been too easy for a spirit of fear to find it’s way into my prayer life and preparation. As of today I leave in 37 days which both terrifies me yet excites me. Prayer against that fear would be greatly appreciated, it has been a daily hinderance. 
  • The very end of Psalm 139 reads “And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”. As I am going to be leaving, I desire to leave in a spirit of love and peace with those around me. Relationally and spiritually, I want to make sure that my heart is always being tested and weighed by God. This scripture I have been praying over myself quite often and a communal prayer in this would be so encouraging. 
  • I am currently in the process of leaving a workplace I have worked in for the past three years and it has already been very bittersweet. I would ask prayer for The Lord’s provision and providence for when I return back to California. I will be out of a job and almost immediately in search of one when that time comes. 

If you are one that desires to pray for me in ways even more specific than those already provided, please feel free to reach out to me! Thank you everyone for your prayers, donations and encouragements, ALL of which have provided me with love and peace. If I think of any other prayer requests or praise reports, I will be sure to update and keep you in the loop!