World Racers, we have prayed for God to send us. We trusted He would provide the money to make it happen and He did. 35 people $16,561 each. That in itself is absolutely amazing.

With this in mind I want to tell you a little bit about where that money goes and how Adventures in Missions budgets to make sure none of it goes to waste.

Every month each team gets there own set up sheet with a description of what the ministry is going to be and a budget. You could say it is a shoestring budget but we make it work. Here some examples of budgets from my Race so far and in case your curious our budget for next month.

All of these are per person per each day we are there.

– lodging – $6
– meals – $4
– transportation – $.50

– lodging – $4
– meals – $4
– transportation – $1

– lodging – $5
– meals – $4
– transportation – $1

Other ways money is spent that is not on a set up sheet is used for transportation from one country to the next, debrief, insurance, administrative things, visa payments and probably alot of other stuff I’m missing but you get the picture.

Shout out to all my treasurers who do all the hard work of making sure we stay in budget, taking on the extra responsibility, sacrificing your time to keep track of what we spend, and dealing with your team harassing you for food money. You’re the real MVP