This last month in Albania has been one of my favorites. What we do for ministry every month is always so different and varies on a large scale. We really never know what we are going to get.

For month 10 my team and I did a little bit of everything. We worked at a soup kitchen 3 days a week, did house visits, sorted through donated clothing to give out, cleaned an older mans home that hadn’t been cleaned in over 5 years, we evangelized, we gave sermons and shared our testimonies with the church, and for our last week on Albania we helped with the churches kids camp.

These things are all great but what really makes ministry every month for me is my team. I can genuinely say I love each and everyone of them and I am unbelievably grateful I got to walk through this season of life with them. I can tell you being on a team with them is never dull. They are more than just a community to do life with, they are my friends, they are my family.

This month I often found myself stopping what I was doing to admire my teammates for who they are.

One of those moments was with Erinn who is our squad leader who spent the month with us as we wash dishes in an old bucket we found when we are suddenly surrounded by a mob of little girls who just wanted to be apart of what we were doing. Erinn quickly breaks out the 3 or 4 children’s songs we’ve sung for kids all around the world. I watch as they have no idea what she’s saying but are thoroughly entertained by it all. Later they see Erinn splash me with the dish water and begin splashing her with laughter but then take the loose part of their dresses they are wearing and diligently dry her off. She doesn’t know how to speak their language but that day she was able to show them the love Christ has for them. Her instant reaction to start doing ministry with these girls as we were in the middle of doing ministry for another person was a beautiful thing to watch. Her heart is so big and open it’s a thing to behold.

Another one of those moments was when Nano sang at the top of his lungs How He Loves as he played the guitar in a nearby park while the rest of us handed out bibles to people passing by. It might seem like a little thing but Nano has just recently learned how to play the guitar and knows about three or four songs. He sings these songs with all of his heart. He has dedicate himself to learning this instrument in the midst of this crazy thing called the World Race and is willing to play for anyone who asks. If any of you know how to play an instrument, you know playing for people in the beginning can be nerve racking and to sing on top of that is a whole other level but Nano being Nano just goes for it. This is a perfect example of what he does time and time again with the things God calls him to. His willingness to take huge steps out in boldness and faith has continued to inspire me.

Before we entered into month 10, as a team we met and came up with different things each one of us wanted to take ownership of and one of those things for Conner was prayer. One day we were having our team time when he felt the leading to make us all stand up and start praying over ourselves and in that moment you could feel something shift in the atmosphere. If there is one thing I know about Conner it’s that he pursues and fights for what he wants. Even when there are set backs it won’t keep him down too long, he comes back with more wisdom, grace, and understanding than ever before. He continues to rise through challenges and take steps out into his calling. He has shown me what it’s like to keep fighting.

Day one in Albania, Mariah with full enthusiasm and excitement in her voice asks our host if we could evangelize to the old men who play dominos in the park. Our host seems a little hesitant about this because it’s not typically done but he agrees. The next thing I know I’m sitting down surrounded by a bunch of old men as they watch/teach me how to play dominos while Mariah’s chatting away next to me to a group of Muslim men about Jesus. Mariah and I have had many an adventure together over the last 10 months. Those adventures lead to moments I’ll never forget, this experience playing dominos at the park is one of those. Mariah is the type of person who can make a deep connection with anyone despite age, cultural differences, language barriers, time restrains, it doesn’t matter, the girls got a gift. I’m lucky enough to have had the opportunity to learn from her. She has taught me that all relationships are worth investing in even if you only have five minutes with a person, that five minutes can make a difference in that person’s life.

For most of us, preaching a 45 minute to an hour sermon could be a daunting task but when we were asked this month to give one at church, Caleb was eager to volunteer. As I listened to his sermon that Sunday, I was struck by his determination to grow. He’s a guy who always wants to learn more, he’s persistent to not only learn new things but strives to perfect the new skills he’s learned. One of the things he’s wanted from the Race was to preach sermons and he has taken every opportunity to and the asks for feedback on how he can improve. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone more determined to be challenged than Caleb. If no one challenges him, he’ll come up with challenges for himself because he knows it’s going to help him grow and learn. One of those challenges he gave himself before the Race even started was to vlog the whole 11 months. It hasn’t been and still isn’t the easiest thing for him to do but it’s a challenge he has fallen in love with. I know he’s going to go places with this new found passion because it’s not only his challenge but it’s also his gift. Caleb has has helped me see that you can never ask for too much. He’s a living example of if you seek the growth you’re going to find it.

Sorting through boxes and boxes of clothes isn’t the most glamorous thing but my team and I spent 3 days a week doing it. One day sorting through clothes, I look over and Laura is wearing layers of outrageous looking vests and oversized shirts. As she goes through the boxes she exchanges one piece of clothing for another. We get through at least a dozen boxes talking and laughing as we work. I think I have a moment every month where I just look at Laura and think wow what an amazingly beautiful human she is. She puts her whole self into everything that she does even if it’s sorting through clothes and she’ll have a good time doing it too. Laura is one who loves and loves fiercly. When she puts her mind to something whether it’s ministry or people she will give her whole self it’s never just a piece. I’m honored that I get to be one of those people she loves so well. Through Laura I’ve seen the true beauty of vulnerability and have been empowered to step out in that same vulnerability. She has been a huge source of support for me on the Race. I know she’s got my back in any situation good or bad.

What can I say, I love you Dynamic Pursuit and I can’t wait to see how God continues to take you on this journey. I know I’ve been blessed to be with you for this period of time and I’ll always be rooting for you.