Hello Friends and Family! I am sure you are curious about what I have been doing! And if you haven’t, well I am here to tell you I am alive even though you may have not known it! 

For the past year, I have been at Word of Life Bible Institute enjoying learning more about the Bible and building friendships. Throughout the course of the year, we read through the entire Bible twice! The class I enjoyed the most was Old/New Testament survey. The professor has been to Isreal MANY times! He would show pictures of the geography as we went through each story to give us a visual of the area. I learned so much and am so happy to have the opportunity to go back this summer!


Summer ministry is next for me! But before that, I am working and living at home until July! I am working on a ranch to earn money to go back to school. Once I go back to NY I will be there until either Thanksgiving or Christmas. Summer ministry will be at a Word of Life family camp. I will be on the housekeeping team! I am very excited to serve at camp. The camping season will flow right into the fall semester. 


At school, I will be going to class from 8 am-1 pm and THEN I get to work in the kitchen! I am excited about classes this fall because last year was primarily books of the Bible but this year is more topical. They want to prepare you as best they can to understand what biblical family and missions look like. Some of the classes will be financial, family, counseling and the list goes on. 


I want to thank each of you for your prayers this past year! The Lord has been so faithful and kind. He has been teaching me all year where I need to place my contentment. He has taught me through my faithful friend Mayson (she was my RA in the dorm). She continually reminded me and showed me scripture. I am learning that my joy and contentment need to come from truth. The book of the Bible that I continually was pointed back to this year has been Philippians. (It is funny because Pastor Brett was in the middle of a series of contentment and joy in the book of Philippians when I got back for summer break.) Anyways chapter 4 has been a great encouragement to me. This passage shows me where my joy comes from. Not to mention the WHOLE gospel has just blown my mind this year. I praise the Lord for it. 

Thank you again for all your prayers I am praying for you all. May the Lord bless each of you as you continue to pursue Him and get to know His character!


A couple of things you can be praying with me for are:

-Summer camp and everyone who will be coming that God would soften their hearts

-Pray I would have a continued thirst to learn more about the Bible and that I would put into practice what I am learning. 

– Praise the Lord for His provision in all things!


In Christ,

Emili Silcox