Training camp was an incredible time. We slept in tents, ate food from all around the world, took bucket showers, had amazing worship and community. I was able to meet and my whole squad. There are 49 of us! We are split up into teams of seven. I love the people on my team. Each of them has a unique life of their own. Over the time at training camp we were able to do lots of team building not just with our teams but with the whole squad.
The Lord taught me a lot at training camp; here is just one thing He taught me. Encountering God is not something to be afraid of nor is it something to dismiss. Adventures in missions has put an amazing team together who love to teach and train the next generation. During the 10 days at training camp we were able to be taught by many speakers who work for Adventures in Missions. Deon who is from South Africa, but is currently a pastor here in the US taught on many things but the one which stuck out to me the most was his talk on Forgiveness. Forgiveness may not seem in our own eyes to be right but if it is what Jesus is calling us to do we must do it. A quote from Deon “Forgiveness will never change your past but it will change your future”. If we chose to forgive as Jesus forgave we will be set free. To walk in freedom may just mean to forgive not just once but continually. The forgiveness talk was just one thing that stuck out to me.
If you would like to know more about the time at training camp I would love to talk with you.
Fundraising update! God is soooo good. I have raised 11,184 I currently still need to raise 4,616 to be fully funded. Thank you all for supporting me in this time with the Lord and helping others around the world!