From nothing You created everything.
 A word went out a sound wave was formed one, two, no three! 
There and there! Even more then I can ever imagine.
 Look! Now I see trees of all shapes, colors, and designs.
 A word went out; an act was put into play. 
The Creator walked, talked and dreamed with me.
 With me! 
I am only a little thing, controlled by fear; however, when I walk with my Creator like a little girl, with pig tails and a smile, walks so trustingly with her father allowing him to lead, guide, and teach then and only then does all fear disappear.
What once was black as coal is now white as snow. 
Fear you have no control. 
Creator, you created me to live as you live: to be created and to create, to be loved and to love. You created all things not just tangible things but things I can not see but feel like: emotion, wind, and love all these things I cannot see but I so desperately need. 
Thank you Creator for being the cremator of my old fearful self.
Molding me into your design defining me by your words and your sound waves; so that, I can live by the heart beat of your Son the creator of all.