Hey guys, I am supposed to come up with a theme for my blog for the year.  How I understand it is: I am to write something that will be unique to me and something that you guys can look forward to reading about each time I post something.  One of the 2006 World Racers always titled her blogs “Riding The Wave” and would talk about her experience of riding the wave.  Other suggestions have included “Mission Impossible” or “Living on the Edge.”  Other suggestions have been about always writing about a person i’ve met or about our team or I think the theme can be about anything.  So, I have been thinking for a few days about this.  I have some ideas, but thought I would ask you all if you had any suggestions, since you will be the ones reading this blog.  Have you seen a theme in my writing so far?  For those of you who know me well, what do you think would be a good thing to write about?  What kind of things do you want to hear about from the field?  I am open for any suggestions that you may have.  Thanks for your help!