I went to church expecting Sunday School to be normal with a regular speaker, but this morning a man named Bishop John from Uganda spoke in our Sunday School class.  It gave me an itch to get out there!  Bishop John explained that we are blessed in America and since we (United States) are blessed it is our job to bless others.  He pointed out that we can spend $100 a month to feed (and clothe-he said he saw outfits for dogs at the store) our pets each month and that the same $100 could be used to buy a bicycle for pastors in Africa who are walking 20 miles a day to the next village to share the Gospel.  He reports that when we support a ministry like that then we are also credited for being a part of sharing the Good News.  Bishop John explained that many Americans go over to Africa and “watch.”  They are interested in Africa and want to learn, but Bishop John states that they don’t need people who will watch them, but they need people who are going to spread the gospel!  People who are going to share God’s love and the Gospel boldly.  I’m excited to GO next year, not to sit and watch, but to participate and share God’s love and His Gospel.