So, I have to apology to all those who read my newsletter and immediately 😉 checked my blog because I said that I would be updating it regularly…oops!  Starting today, I am going to try extremely hard to do that.  I am so blessed!  My birthday isn’t until October 30th, but last night my parents and my friends threw me a surprise party.  I was definitely surprised, no idea whatsoever!  The plan was to hang out with my friends (carrie and joy) because I wouldn’t be around next weekend (because I will be in Chicago with my new wonderful WR friends…woot woot!)  Carrie and Joy told me I had to be at Carrie’s house at 6:00 with my new camera so i could learn how to use it better.  When I arrived, they provided me with a lovely birthday hat and a pink, glittery birthday sign to wear around my neck, which said, “My name is Emilie.  It’s my birthday!”  They had a list of things that I had to do before I could eat including walking around Wal-Mart, walking through the mall and trying on the most hideous pair of shoes I could find, sitting on the hippo at the mall, piggyback through McDonald’s etc.  Here are some pics of that adventure:



They then told me, we had to go the church to take a pic with  my parents who were setting up for an event on Saturday.  I walked into the gym and all my friends and family were there.  They had tons of food and games set up like “Pin the Backpack on Emilie” and a pinata with “Emilie the explorer” on it, DDR, and all sorts of things.  It was a great time.  I even had a cake that had “Happy 23 and 24 Birthay Emilie” on it since I won’t be here for my birthday next year.  I was blessed by all these people just by their presence and also financially.  I received a large sum of money from them which is allowing me to purchase items I need from the trip.  I am so grateful for each and everyone of them and their investment in me and this trip!

Check out my photos section for more pics of the party!