Drum roll please………my theme………for the………World Race 2007………will be………(dunt-dunna-duh!)………………”I SAW HIM” (or something along those lines, I haven’t decided on the exact wordage yet).
  This whole picking a theme for my blog, threw me for a loop.
  I just wanted to come up with something really good that’s wasn’t going to limit me from writing what I will be experiencing.
  I considered going many different directions and appreciated all your comments and suggestions!
  Earlier tonight, I was still undecided about what I wanted to choose for a theme.
  I was having coffee with a very good friend of mine, Carrie Williams.
  I explained to her some of my better ideas and that I wanted to incorporate things that were “me” and important to me.
  I wanted to include things about relationships and blessings.
  She suggested using a theme along the lines of “the faces of Jesus” so that in each post I could identify a way in which I saw Jesus that day whether it was through the actions of a teammate, the eyes of a child, or the beauty of His creation.
  So, that’s the idea I am going with.
  So, if you are interested in reading about how God is working and how we see Jesus at work in people, places, and things, then stay tuned to
emiliejanson.theworldrace.org for the next 12 months as we venture to see God’s love for the nations.
  It is sure to be a fun, exciting, life-changing ride!