I have lived in 3 countries overseas, seen signs & wonders, unveiled intimacy with the Lord. More specifically I have taught English in both Guatemala and Ethiopia. Had hours of house visits with incredible families. Lived on an orphanage in Ethiopia, worked with women in a training center for leather goods. Walked through life with locals in Thailand and so much more. All of these ministries hold a special place in my heart and I could tell stories about them for hours and hours, however in this season I may have come across my favorite one yet and it’s name is “align.”
If you haven’t been keeping up with my journey, I came back on mission with the world race, only this time on leadership. My role as an alumni team leader is to lead one of the teams on our squad through their first 3 ½ months of the race, I get to disciple and walk alongside them through the things the Lord is bringing up in their lives. I have 1on1’s with them each week and get to share in celebrating the growth and freedom they are experiencing.
For the past 2 months I have been living with these girls. After countless hours with them, I feel like I can share a little about them with confidence. So without further adue – here is team align.
Jen Opdahl’s intimacy with the Lord overflows into her daily life. Her desire to grow and willingness to be corrected by the Lord is encouraging to me. In all moments of her day she is constantly realigning herself with the heart of the father. She has a gift to see people in their circumstances and respond with compassion. She is a sponge for things the father is teaching her and doesn’t let a moment pass by without acknowledging his presence in the space. Jen carries so much authority, and it is not demanding or overbearing, but it is the gentle ability to hold a space with great character. Friends would describe her as gentle, peaceful to be around, wise, and honest.
Fun facts about Jen: her favorite color is turquoise, her favorite song (at the moment) is ‘refiner’ by Mav city and her favorite character about the father is his steadfastness and goodness.
Jen’s blog: www.jenopdahl.theworldrace.org
Layna Tolton – oh man a passionate woman if I’ve ever met one. Sunsets, freedom, a cute dinner, a big hug, and so many more things can easily sweep this woman into tears. She feels so deeply the humanity within herself and it is a gift from Jesus. Her laugh is known throughout gap year for its loud proclamation of his goodness. It is as sweet as a child running back to their parents after the first day of daycare. She walks in so much awe and wonder that it pushes those around her to reflect on the life right in front of them and see things past the ordinary into the extraordinary. She is unique and creative as a reflection of the father who first created us. Friends would describe her as energetic, creative, intentional, and beloved.
Fun facts about Layna: Her favorite color is green, her favorite song (at the moment) is ‘home’ by Shea Salisbury and her favorite character about the father is his uniqueness.
Layna’s blog: www.laynatolton.theworldrace.org
Kaylin Stanley, a woman who walks in identity! One of our first weeks here she shaved her head to declare a future of walking in her identity in Christ. Yeah that’s right, a woman of serious obedience. She takes after her father in the way she looks to serve those around her first and without a second thought. Jesus set the best example of servant leadership and Kaylin follows that example with fervency. Every room Kaylin is in, laughs escape. She knows how to lighten the mood and create an atmosphere of fun. She has a bold voice and influences this squad immensely. Friends would describe her as funny, a worshipper, influential, and unique.
Fun facts about Kaylin: her favorite color is blue, her favorite song is ‘palm of your hand’ and her favorite character about the father is that he is unconditional and steadfast.
Kaylin’s blog: www.kaylinstanley.theworldrace.org
Delaney Bonfield everybody. A woman of great discernment and wisdom. There is not a word that comes out of her mouth that isn’t spoken with intentionality and with the Father’s point of view in mind. She doesn’t waste her breathe and is slow to speak, but when she does WOW the room gets quiet as everyone listens to the Lord speaking through her. I have learned so much from her. She is a safe space for her friends and exudes loyalty in her actions, words, and support. She hears so clearly from the Lord and shares revelations with excitement. Her friends would describe her as safe, kind, wise, witty, and peaceful.
Fun facts about Delaney: her favorite color is purple, her favorite song is ‘highs and lows’ by Hillsong Y&F and her favorite character about the father is his goodness.
Delaney’s blog: www.delaneybonfield.theworldrace.org
Emma Redmon, this girl is incredible! She spent the first 9 years of her life as a missionary kid in Thailand and China. She has since then taken her faith as her own and completely blossomed these past few weeks into a passionate daughter of the king. So many doors of growth, intimacy, giftings and more have been opened to emma and what an honor it had been to watch her walk in all of them. Emma is an easy person to have at your table, she can sit and cry with you in the lows and also celebrate and jump up and down with you in the highs. She is a hype woman and a comforter. She brings a desire for growth to our team that is genuine and authentic. Her friends would describe her as social, easy going, authentic, gifted, and a peacemaker.
Fun facts about emma: her favorite color is teal, her favorite song is ‘sweet talk’ by saint motel and her favorite character about the father is that he freely gives so much joy.
Emma’s blog: www.emmaredmon.theworldrace.org
Madison Stephenson our team granola girl. Seriously this girl used to work for a hiking trail ministry – how cool! Madison loves the outdoors and pushes us to see the beauty in the creation. She loves to tell stories and can think of many off the top of her head at any moment – the perfect person to have around for an event. People come around Madison and want to be a part of what she is doing. She has walked into so much growth in recognizing her ability to rest in the fathers arms and not have to work to get there. She is passionate about justice and seeing people from the perspective of the father and acknowledging their inheritance in the kingdom. I am so honored to lead her and get to watch from the sidelines as the Lord does incredible works through her. Her friends would describe her as an old soul, an adventurer, tea lover, spontaneous, and a risk-taker.
Fun facts about madison: her favorite color is green (ya know bc nature), her favorite song is ‘Queen of the slipstream’ by Van Morrison and her favorite character about the father is that he is an artist.
Madison’s blog: www.madisonstephenson.theworldrace.org
and lastly, not a woman on my team but a fellow leader who helps me walk alongside these people well – Jewel Macauley.
Jewel is a squad leader for gap D which means when I leave at the end of December, she stays and continues to lead and pour into the squad for the rest of the 5 months. She is with the squad for their WHOLE race. She is the squad leader over my team and a close friend. Man are there a plethora of things I could say about Jewel. Her presence glides across a room and is an invitation for vulnerability and growth with the Lord. She has an incredible gift of discernment and allows it to pull her into action. She challenges this team, with grace and truth. OH and she is HILARIOUS. I don’t ever leave her presence without having belly laughed my way through the conversation. Also she thinks I am funny which is such an honor because I don’t naturally consider myself funny. She makes me feel seen, known, and LOVED. man oh man do I love this woman. WOW WOW WOW. so glad we can never un-know each other.
fun facts about Jewel: her favorite color is blue, her favorite song is ‘while we are here’ by Emil Brandqvist and her favorite character about the father is his intentionality.
Jewel’s blog: www.jewelmacauley.theworldrace.org
comment something you love about one of these women, or them as a team!
2 months down, 1 month to go. Be praying over this last month and for them to be empowered as a team as I get ready to leave them. They chose the team name ‘Align’ as a prophecy over this season of getting back into alignment with the fathers character and heart, and that is exactly what they have walked through during this season of discipleship and now they are prepping to go out and show the nations how they can align with the kingdom. WOW