My heart is full of deep, deep gratitude for a number of reasons.


I am grateful for God’s affirmation of this journey through overwhelming financial provision.

I am grateful for all the generous hearts that used prayer and monetary commitments to get me fully funded.

I am grateful for consistent verbal support from distant and near friends and family.

I am grateful for a job that allows me to start my morning early and pour into younger generations.

I am grateful for parents who drive miles with me just to wait in line for hours to get bargains on gear I need.

I am grateful for friends who speak truth into my heart and mind when I am discouraged, doubting, or anxious.

I am grateful for my squadmates whose words and deeds push me closer to the cross.

I am grateful for the ability to receive forgiveness because it is something I desperately need every morning and every night.

I am grateful for my friend who sleeps outside with me [in the Texas heat] to help get me used to my sleeping system for the next year.

I am grateful for the breath in my lungs and the strength in my bones to live actively and eagerly.

I am grateful for warm showers and clean socks because even these smallest of blessings are from the Lord.


I am also grateful for the struggles because they bring me closer to my Maker.

I am grateful for sleepless nights because they give me more time to talk to Him.

I am grateful for my imperfections because His grace is sufficient for me.

I am grateful for failure because it reminds me that I am not here to be successful.

I am grateful for tears because they give me hope for the day there will be no more.

I am grateful for cancer because it points me to the ultimate Healer.

I am grateful for defeat because He has already won.

I am grateful for heartache because it is in my pain that He is my hope.

I am grateful for my brokenness because it is with those pieces that He is making a masterpiece.

I am grateful for Jesus because His love is greater than all else.


Thank you, God, for the life and path you are leading me on. Help me to maintain a grateful heart even when there may not seem to be as many reasons for one. Let my life be a grateful reflection of the abounding love and grace you have and continue to give to me. Let that be enough for me.


“In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (AMP)


Thank you to everyone who has given me ample reasons to be so very grateful <3