Lesson 9: You can only hold God with two hands.


This statement is the title of a sermon by Matt Reynolds that I listened to in Cambodia. I agreed with this statement, and could see how the concept was biblical in theory, but didn’t really know what that meant in actuality and didn’t understand how to achieve that or know if it was actually possible. Throughout the race and even more so at home now, I am comprehending what this means more and more.

The only way to be satisfied, Matt says, is to surrender everything, empty your hands of all you grasp so tightly onto for significance, life, joy, and meaning, and take hold of God with both hands. In Luke 9:23 Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” It is those who surrender their whole lives, not just parts of it, who receive the Lord fully, and with Him a life in Him that is worth living, one that is wholly satisfying.

In Luke 9:57-62, Jesus calls some folks to follow Him. One man says, “First let me go and bury my father.” The other says, “First let me say bye to those in my home.” Jesus’ response to both seemingly reasonable requests is, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” I don’t know about you, but to me, that sounds so harsh and so legalistic! They want to also care for and respect their family – ya?? One of the ten commandments is to honor your father and mother!

Jesus can’t come in any place other than first in our lives. We have to let go of everything else. We have to empty our hands and our heart completely, and invite God to come and fill all of it. Nothing else can be a thought or consideration to be a priority above Him – to that person Jesus says, “You are unfit for the kingdom of God.”

How has this looked for me?

I’ve desired God AND for people to think highly or me, so I refrained from sharing the depth of my brokenness and sin.

I’ve desired God AND comfort and safety, so I didn’t take many of the risks and leaps of faith that He wants me to.

I’ve desired God AND financial security, so I withheld His money from the people or causes He has given me compassion for.

I’ve desired God AND to lie in my bed for 30 more minutes, so I missed how He wanted to speak to me that morning.

I’ve desired God AND to numb my stress through gluttony, so I missed out on casting my anxiety on Him and receiving His perfect peace in place of it.

I’ve desired God AND … I could go on and on about the endless things that I thought were more important than the Lord.

There is not room for God AND any of those things. At times, it seems like there is. It seemed like I could have both, but the reality is that part of God is not God.

Why do we cling to these things that don’t satisfy and prevent us from experiencing God? I think a lot of believers desire a radical, full life where we experience and have all God all the time. I believe when it comes down to it, the problem is that we don’t believe that God is enough, that He is all-satisfying, that He is worth giving up everything for every, single day. Our choices reveal our actual beliefs. If we are choosing other things with or above God, we don’t believe God is all we want and need.

You can’t live beyond what you believe. So repent for you wrong beliefs, not your wrong behavior. Ask God to change your beliefs, rather than your behavior. Seek accountability from fellow believers. Ask him to search your heart and reveal to you the things you are holding above or in addition to Him. He will show you; He is dying for you to ask.

He has an abundance of things He wants to give us and bless us with, but our hands are too full of other things.If your hands are holding anything in addition to God, if there is anything capturing your heart as well, one might say you are settling for less than the fullness of God, but I would argue you aren’t settling for God at all. He is a jealous God who wants all your heart and all your life. Give Him your all or you will miss receiving His everything.

If you want to read more about this concept, I recommend the books, Radical by David Platt or Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne.

Father, thank you that you are actually worth dropping everything for every single moment of every single day. Thank you that in your great love you died for us to have access to all of you just as you are. Thank you for tearing the veil. Father, consume us. With open hands we release what we have tried to hold onto in addition to you. We have believed that you are not as good as you actually are, that you are not as loving as you actually are, that you are not as faithful and kind and gentle and beautiful as you actually are. Change our minds. Change our hearts. We choose you, God, and you alone. Where some of us are still having trouble letting go of certain people, feelings, things, fears… Holy Spirit, would you illuminate to us what those are and why, and lead us into freedom from such things. Thank you, God, for not allowing us to be able to have you AND anything of this world. Thank you that you are it. You are enough. You are more than enough. You are incomprehensible. Thanks for teaching me this. Continue this work in me, Jesus. Thanks, God – in Jesus’ name.