Over the last couple of weeks I have been learning how God wants us to pray. Growing up in the church praying was just something we always did, prayed for food, the sick, and for new toys. We pray for everything, or do we? You see we only pray when we want something from God. 

I have been faithfully praying with the intentions on growing my love for God. By using prayer I have a one on one connection with Christ. I can talk to Him about anything and anyone. He hears me when I call.

I have started to pray more intently with God simply because He sent is only son to die for me, to save my wicked soul. Now I’m alive and whole and forgiven of all my sins. So why should I be praying for God to give me things when He already gave me the gift of live and eternity with Him. Instead I need to be praying and asking Him what I can do for Him.

 God has designed us unique and for different purposes. Right now I’m learning everyday that God is calling me to be his hands and feet, to live among the weak and poor, and to risk my life for His name.

 As I have become closer to Christ I have learn that His plans are always better them mine and that I need to pray and trust Him with my life. After all He’s already died for it.

 So why do we struggle with letting Him have control over our future?

This is a question that I’m still asking myself and I’m praying that God will reveal the answer to me someday. For now I’m praying to see what God wants from me.