Allow me to preface this entry by saying that I very rarely (if ever) take myself seriously. I am 23 years old. I aspire to be Peter Pan in the never-growing-up sense. I am crazy about proper grammar. I yell at the TV during sporting events, especially Steelers games and March Madness. I think life should involve more spontaneous dance parties. I am “that girl” who sings along to the radio as loudly as possible with the car windows down at a stoplight. I think the exclamation point is overused. Agatha Christie is my favorite author. Indiana Jones is my ideal action hero. I use obscure vocabulary words on a regular basis. I talk really fast. I have a wide range of facial expressions. I spend more time on YouTube than I probably should. Laughing is my favorite recreational sport.

I spent my formative years in a Christian home (starting in third grade), and was a camper (6 years) and counselor (3 years) at the greatest summer camp in the world, Summer’s Best Two Weeks, in Boswell, PA. While at camp, at the age of 16, I finally had the epiphany that Jesus was who he said he was, and he loved me absolutely unconditionally. He loved my faults, he loved my doubts, and he loved my insecurities. That revelation started one of the longest, most challenging, and most exciting journeys of my life. As a counselor, I taught canoeing, tennis, soccer, volleyball, rock climbing, rappelling, and swimming, in addition to facilitating track events, running the zip line, and leading a hiking trip.
My parents have been married for 24 years, and still love each other to pieces. My sister is 20, and one of my best friends. It really amazes me that the two of us are so different, yet we get along absolutely swimmingly. My family also has three dogs and three cats. I adore animals.
I graduated in May 2008 from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA, with a degree in history. I spent August 2008 through June 2009 interning at Iona College in New Rochelle, NY, as the Recreation and Intramurals Assistant, and working as a live-in caretaker for a local family and their two kids. I am nowhere near prepared to have children of my own anytime in the next 8 years.
I spent a semester studying abroad in Florence, Italy. I was eaten alive by the travel bug. I won’t say anymore about study abroad, because if I do, I will go on for days about it until no one wants to be my friend anymore.
And that’s me in a nutshell.