One of my dreams
have come true!!!!     I gave a ton of
Bibles to Chinese people!!! And I didn’t
even have to step foot onto China land. Pattaya, Thailand is the number one tourist location for the
Chinese. And it is still illegal for
foreigners of China to evangelize or bring in Christian material in large
quantities. But it is not illegal for a
Chinese citizen to own one Bible. If
just one Chinese person was given a Bible, their life would dramatically change
and most importantly would impact the people around them who have contact with
that person. So the other day my team
and I packed up hundreds of Bibles and tracks in the Chinese language and took
them down to the dock where the tourist come off the boats. We passed out Bibles for hours and it was soo
beautiful to see the joy and surprise on the Chinese people’s faces. They were all soo thankful and received the
gifts eagerly. It has always been one of
my dreams to smuggle Bibles into China and visit an underground churches and
this time I was about to give the Bible freely and safely. But one day I will get the time to smuggle
’em in as well. That day though,
hundreds of Chinese people received the gift of God’s spoken Word… soo
beautiful.  The true Christmas gift that last for eternity.