Our interpreter at a church. was this firecracker of a lady! She had an obvious
passion and love for the Lord that showed when she would tear up during scriptures of what Jesus has done, or laugh out loud into our microphone when translating, and then quietly apologize! Sound familiar? haha. She radiated with God's love and joy and was as vibrant as her stark red hair. We thanked her for translating for us afterwards and she prayed for us. You could tell she had a heart for families. She prayed for Drew and I to have children and for Casey to find his bride. She was just precious and full 
of hugs and encouragement.

We met up with her a few days later and learned more of her story and what God is doing in her life. She grew up in communism. She was taught to believe that God and religion was dumb and for old people who are naive. She went to an orthodox church and kissed her icons. She went to mass, but was still dead on the inside. Her grandmother told her about Jesus and how He was powerful, but again-this was all foolishness!

(Her telling us her testimony)                    (Drew and I with this amazing woman of God)

She got married and had kids. They were in a very hard, dark place. She told us details about her life and how it was during communism, and how it did a work on her and her family. She told us things that she hadn't even told her children-as not to burden them. I wish I could tell you, because it is pretty crazy-but I  would like to keep it confidential. Her husband lost his life in a car accident, leaving her a single 
mom in a very hard place. 

She was hopeless. She wished to die. She planned ways to die and leave her kids with her abusive brother. That is how bad she wanted out of this so called "life". That's when she found Jesus.. or should I say He found her! She was born again and gave her life to Him! In that moment she was filled with LIFE! She was filled with hope! Joy! Love! She was renewed and made into an entire different woman! She was delivered 
from depression! 

Her boys had a new mom! Their entire family dynamic was different! God has saved the entire household and has given them all testimonies that would rock your world! Just a few months ago one son almost died of Carbon Monoxide, but God radically saved him-he didn't even know what happened! And He has used his testimony
to tell people that we never know when our last day will be. Live life to the fullest! Give it all to Him! He's worth it! 

This Amazing woman of God now has a powerful ministry counseling hurt women! She counsels women who have been abused and feel unloved, who have had abortions and feel unworthy of love, and who have never tasted the goodness of the Lord. She introduces them to Jesus and watches Him do a miraculous work in their lives.
How amazing that when we have been abused-that God tells us that we are loved! He reminds us that He was there through it all! He replaces every lie from the enemy with His truth! How amazing when we have murdered innocent ones-that He tells us that like Saul-He wishes to make us a new creature and do a radical thing in our lives! He died for all our junk! 

I'm amazed by God's Love! I'm the scoundrel, the murderer, the prideful one, the selfish one, the unfaithful one, and yet He died for ME! He LOVES ME! I want more of His love! I want to fall deeper inlove with Him and I want to show the world His love! I pray He reveals Himself to each of you in a new way today. And if you ever feel unloved… look back at the cross and remember-He did that for you! I don't know what could say it any louder! 

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us." 1 John 3:16