“So Drew, where are you going to college next year?”

This is one of the most common questions people (especially adults) have asked me recently. I’ve finally gotten used to politely telling them that their assumption that I will go to college next year is wrong, and that I am, instead, going a 9-month trip around the world to three unknown countries with a group of people that I have never met. Naturally, the next question people ask is, “Why?” This question is a little harder to answer, because there are so many reasons. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • I have met children who do not understand that Jesus loves them because they have trouble even knowing what love is. I know there are countless children like this around the world, and I want to show them what love is and tell them about Jesus.  
  • I want to grow closer to Jesus and to truly know Him. In my experience, I grow closest to Him when I am in uncomfortable circumstances.
  • I will never be more available to go than this year.
  • I want to be a part of a community of believers who are passionate about reaching the world for Jesus.
  • Jesus said, “Go, and make disciples of all nations.” This is not a suggestion. It is not an option. It is a command from my Lord. 
  • I have prayed countless hours about my future after high school, and I know that Jesus has called me to go. 

I have to be honest with you all. With this question, “Why?” comes doubt. Sometimes not only doubt, but discouragement too. Sometimes well-meaning individuals who ask me “Why?” also say things like this:

            You need to stay and get a college education.

            You need to think about your long-term future.

            Do you have any idea how hard this will be for your parents?

            You can be a missionary right here at home.

Sometimes thoughts like these come from my own head:

            How does this help me with my long-term future?

            How can I leave close friendships for this long?

            Is this REALLY what the Lord is asking of me?

            How am I going to raise $12,000? That’s a lot!


These doubts and hesitations frustrate me terribly, but I am comforted as Jesus reassures me that He is leading me down this path and that He is with me every step of the way. I’m not doing this alone. In fact, I’m following in the footsteps of Jesus.

So, back to my original question. Why am I going? I am going because Jesus has told me to go, and I trust that He knows what is best.